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To: Texasforever

You tell a lie and I'll call you a liar. I've watched him come up on dead bodies, come up on the dying, it was a major point he was making in his report. Had the dignity not to show them (other than the 1 body on the overpass on I-10 east of where he normally is) but would point in their direction when describing what was going on. You think he made that up? There are plenty of the weak and elderly that have died on the streets, it was unavoidable given the scale. But it is still unnerving, and facts that should be reported. I've also heard him and others talk about people they saw who were laying collapsed, and who later died. Several reporters noted the case that happened today at the convention center. Heard those reports with my own ears, saw those reports with my own eyes. So are you calling me a liar?

1,626 posted on 09/02/2005 7:46:38 PM PDT by Diddle E. Squat (Gone, gone with the waves....)
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To: Diddle E. Squat
I've watched him come up on dead bodies, come up on the dying, it was a major point he was making in his report. Had the dignity not to show them (other than the 1 body on the overpass on I-10 east of where he

He has talked about one body. If he had seen more he would have shown more to make his point. Once again, you can call me mistaken but you cannot call me a liar or we are going to have a real problem.

1,646 posted on 09/02/2005 7:50:10 PM PDT by Texasforever
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