So how can I know that you are not simply making this up?
The emergency session in DC coincided with the planning of the rescue but the rescue was cancelled BEFORE Judge Whittemore's defiance of congress. (Tom Delay took note after Terri died, but he shut up after he met with the president in Texas.)
After J. Whittemore was through with his deal with the devil, Jeb Bush telegraphed to Judge Greer through the radio and tv that he was "going in to save Terri no matter what J. Greer ordered." J. Greer then increased the troop strength at Hospice Woodside, we were labeled insurgents and the streets around Hospice had roadblocks. It was all theatre. J. Greer is a Clear Channel shareholder so he could call the local radio station and control the airwaves while also controlling all law enforcement and pretending to being in a showdown with Jeb's FDLE. All theatre.
The day after Jeb said he was going in no matter what, he went on Greer's and his brother's airwaves and said "there is nothing I can do." And that's exactly what he did. Nothing.