Posted on 08/24/2005 6:23:31 PM PDT by jdm
Edited on 08/24/2005 7:47:08 PM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history]
Nope, that's not how it works.
I'm sure the mainstream media will be all over this story. CBS news, ABC, NBC and CNN will have wall-to-wall coverage tomorrow.
Yes this is Code-Pinko. Check the threads for photos of FReeps each Friday night to counter their BS.
Remember the hard hats and love it or leave it? Who will the new hard hat patriots be? Somebody needs to stand up and make these punks stand down.
Treason. Hang em.
This has been happening to Freepers for years now, this is nothign new
The last place I was assaulted was Boston when one of the hippies tried to grab some money that I dropped at my feet, and then his friend jumped on my back while I tried to get it back
Campaign finance reform protects incumbents from
Where is the protection for wounded combat vets...
Liberty is not license....scumbags
If you locate a photogenic, 18-25 year-old blonde girl who has been harrassed by these protestors, you might be able to get Fox News to issue a Fox News Alert when the Natalie Holloway story winds down.
They are doing worse...there is some total piece of human scum (calls himself a reverend or something) that protest at FUNERALS.
They plan to be here in Tenn today and this weekend to protest at three funerals of brave men.
They are gay bashing freaks...something like or something and says we deserve to be attacked because we are becoming a "gay nation". These fundamentalists pukes are no different than fascist, fanatical Islamist.
That's what happens when the fourth estate becomes a fifth column.
It is an American tragedy that our brave soldiers have to endure these cowards.
Actually, the good guys have been outnumbering these soulless bastards for about the last three months now. The counterprotest means the world to the wounded soldiers and their families.
This point is very important. Thank You.
Yep, the well went dry? I just called my hubby at PACOM and told him about this. He had a bunch of troops around his desk at the time. He repeated what I said while I was on the phone, I wished you ALL could hear the outrage I heard over the phone. Man are they MAD!!!
Pingy-ding, DC Chapter members!
Sooner or later they're going to get their a$$es kicked.
Time for a TS Alert (Troop Support Alert). Their are about 600 Veterans per post office. Plus all the civilians who stand in support of the troops. So on Veterans day 2005 at noon meet up at your local post office for a group photo that will be sent to our uniformed Americans who's home town address zip code matches the zip code of your post office.
I'm looking for a good fight. Are you? Seek them out and no relenting. Bash till the liberalism oozes out of every orifice. These mother fu(&c##$@kers deserve it. No one and I mean NO ONE should further their pathetic political agenda on the backs of the brave wounded men and women of the US armed forces. I'll volunteeer on genereal principle!
The cruel nature of these protests by Code Pink and the endorsement of the WTI's statement that backs the insurgents has gone under the radar far too long.
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