Wow. You would think we would hear more about these 17 weekly shootings on the MSM...what, we don't? Could it be because it's another case of "lies, damn lies, and statistics"???
About 17 employees are murdered every week in American workplaces by someone with a gun...
ok, lets see how we can pad this statistic.
lets start by mincing words and using the absolute most basic defintion of murder. to kill.
and employee. one who works.
how about workplace. a place where you work.
american workplace. any workplace in america, or owned by an american company.
ok. lets look at some situations that you could use.
guy is holding up a store and is gunned down. fits my definition.
if a person has a home business and guns down a home invader. that'd fit.
gang violence? if the gangster holds a job, (which if you define very loosely, drug dealer could be considered a job)
a cop, trucker, etc. hits someone with a work car. fits my definitions right?
here's the really big place to pad it tho. armed forces. american employees, killing people with guns.