Ponder all you want - but it is obvious - you do not cave into terrorists on any ground.
Just what could possibly be the result of us pulling out of Iraq? Could it be the terrorists would take over and have an entire country to further their terrorist agenda?
Would it make the terrorists love us and never choose to kill us again? Afterall, we were not in Iraq or even fighting the terrorists over the years as they mounted attack after attack on the U.S. without penalty. And, did you notice that each attack was worst than the prior one?
And, would it show that the U.S. did not care, afterall, about the people of Iraq and the children in prisons, people being tortured, living under horrible dictatorships?
What about our image then? Huh?
The only hope for the turmoil in the Middle East is the creeping democracy that the oppressed come to see. They then see hope, and that there are other types of governments.
But, the weak anti-war factions always choose to side with our enemies to fight FOR the continued rule of dictators, continued torture, continued abuse of a nation of people. They would give America away to like minded people. People that are willing slaves to the oppressers.
And, the Americans that follow such non-fighters are our enemies within and will sell America and us down the river at the very first chance as they always have.
If those people had been running things in early America, there would be no America today and I will never respect those that are not willing to defend my freedom but instead will not fight but give away our freedom.
Shame on them - they are worthless members of society and will be the downfall of us.
It's possible that the hundreds of thousands, even over a million Iraqi males eligible to crush the insurgency would actually crush the insurgency. Why does everyone think that Iraqis can't handle this problem when they have no one else to handle it for them? We're enabling them in their infantilism.