Can someone please explain to me why we don't put people on trial for treason anymore???
Protesters aren't in the same group with people who give information to the enemy.
It was marginally popular after WWII and after the communists came to power in America in the Cold War (in office, media, and courts) the idea has become unthinkable.
I think less than a dozen people were prosecuted for treason for actions in WWII.
Because this isn't your Daddy's America. It's a watered
down version, drowning in PC.
Say, if you get an answer to that, let me know, too.
GulfofTonkinYachtClub, I believe, would like an answer to that too.
GulfofTonkinYachtClub, I believe, would like an answer to that too.
"Can someone please explain to me why we don't put people on trial for treason anymore???"
Here is a pretty good explanation from Daniel Pipes.
Why this collapse? Because the notion of loyalty has fundamentally changed. Traditionally, a person was assumed faithful to his natal community. A Spaniard or Swede was loyal to his monarch, a Frenchman to his republic, an American to his constitution.
That assumption is now obsolete, replaced by a loyalty to one's political community socialism, liberalism, conservatism, or Islamism, to name some options. Geographical and social ties matter much less than of old.
I have been trying to figure this out since about 1992. Lately, I have been more perplexed than ever.
Well we have to soon.