Message to Kerry: "¡Cállate tu puta boca!"
In Spanish: "STFU"
Put 'em down and hold 'em down. Typical liberal rhetoric.
So changes to SSI can be racially controlled? What is this guy taking? Does he think only Hispanic own certain business types? What a fool.
I wished the GOP had a bull dog that would make Kerry and his ilk explain these idiotic statements.
Still trying to play ketchup?
Anyone who would consider anything a rat senator from Massachusetts says is already a lost soul.
Dear Mr Heinz your concern for Hispanics and government red tape just doesn't cut the mustard. I think instead of a concern for Hispanics you should voice a concern for all Americans and do something about the biggest piece of Red Tape ever created by a bunch of runaway politicians the US Tax Code.
Mr Heinz, did you know
As of 2001, the Internal Revenue Code contained 1,685,000 wordsa 13% increase since 1995 and nearly 380 times the number of words in the U.S. Constitution.
As of 2001, IRS Regulations contained over 6,752,000 wordsa 10% increase since 1995 and over 8-½ times the total number of words in the King James Bible.
There are 733 separate sections of the federal income tax codea 612% increase over the tax code in 1954.
As of last year, the IRS produced 649 separate forms, schedules, and instructions with approximately 16,100 lines. IRS publications providing guidance to taxpayers alone totaled about 13,400 pages.
"The Massachusetts senator, who is the ranking Democrat on the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, said that administering the private accounts being proposed by Bush will cost hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars."
sKerry, the ranking dummie on this committee, only knows how to marry money - not make it himself - so what does he know about small business and entrepreneurship? I hate the fact we have to pay this loser a salary, especially since Mama T already does.
This statement is pure bullship. Kerry, predictably, has apparently decided that Hispanics are a monolithic group incapable of thinking for themselves.
BTW, if six out of ten Americans oppose the plan then those six can ELLECT NOT TO PARTICIPATE. It is a VOLUNTARY plan. Kerry forgot to mention this.
Well, too bad Hispanics don't follow Kerry's get rich quick scheme and chase rich widows or daughters. Alas, they can't all marry TerAZsa Heinz.
Don't look at what he says, look at what he's doing. This is really a good move by Kerry. He lost a lot of hispanic vote to W in '04.
The fact that he is scare-mongering and lying only means he intends to run again.
Democratic scare tactics, by sKerry, in Spanish!
Translation: FY!
-they won't work for small businesses," Kerry said-
What the heck-all does Kerry know about SMALL business, or any business at all? He has ZERO experience.
"Private accounts won't do a thing to protect Social Security and they won't work for small businesses," Kerry said in the Democratic radio address.
More lies from the criminal left. Sorry Kerry, be we understand how "private accounts" will keep the money out of your COMMUNIST HANDS!!! THAT is what you don't like -- THAT is what you are worried about. AND of course, the legal and illegal MEXICAN VOTE.
Social security is not the issue. Seeing a Spanish language broadcast to the American people as common place should be.
That has to be one of the funniest things Spanish speaking listeners have ever heard. fnKerry speaks so slowly in English he sounds like he has a two digit IQ. Just imagine Spanish coming from a tape deck with dying batteries and his New England drawl.
Aiyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Bwaaaaa
Lets see , Kerry, oh, now I remember. Wasnt he the guy that went to Viet Nam and did a 180, then wouldnt sign a 180, but then he did, but he really didnt?