With all your hyaenic laughter I assume you will be content to let science deal with the realms of direct observation and testing in real time if it is to retain its integrity. If, instead, you are willing to admit reasonable conjecture upon a static record to the table of science, then perhaps you ought give astrology its place at the table ahead of evolutionism (the notion that all current life forms are derivative of a common ancestral life form). Frankly, astrology has been around a lot longer and makes more sense. At least it deals with a certain amount of direct observation in real time.
Please reveal the evidence that certain people born at a certain time of year are more egotistical than people born at another time of year because a certain configuration of stars kind of suggested the outline of a lion.
Or that other people born at another time of year were more sexual than other people born at another time of year because a certain configuration of stars kind of looked like a snake and a snake resembles a penis.
Please reveal the evidence done from personality studies on how some people born at a certain time of year are more stubborn than people born at other times of the year because a given configuration of stars kind of resembles a bull.
"Reasonable conjecture" is not science. Theories that attempt to explain existing evidence is. And there is absolutely no evidence that personality traits are concurrent with the perceived likeness of a configuration of stars as interpreted by a bunch of ignorant savages (non-christian - non Hebrew) a couple thousand years ago.
While were at it let's resurrect the Aztec practice of cutting the hearts out of people to appease the gods.
Hey, it just might stop global warming !!!
Astrology has direct observation? Could you explain further?