Here, under
9/11 commission
finishes Bush, Cheney session
Bush chastises Ashcroft
in private statements
at the White House
NBC, MSNBC and news services
Updated: 7:27 p.m. ET April 29, 2004
"Ashcroft, Justice rebuked"
In opening remarks before commissioners began their inquiry, Bush told commission members he was disappointed with the Justice Department and its treatment of Jamie Gorelick, a commission member and a former Justice Department official.
NBC's David Gregory reported that Bush specifically criticized Attorney General John Ashcroft in connection with Gorelick's treatment. The president told commissioners he did not approve of the fingerpointing.
On Wednesday the Justice Department released internal documents on its official Web site; critics of Gorelick have said the documents raise questions about her serving on the commission. Despite the White House's admonishment of Justice, NBC's Pete Williams reported Thursday that the memos remain on the Justice Department's Web site.
Some Republican senators have argued that the commission's work won't be done until they interview Gorelick, whom they accuse of authorizing the wall between intelligence and law enforcement agencies some have said may have contributed to a climate that made the Sept. 11 attacks possible.
And see Bryon York article of May 7, 2004
Ashcroft Helps Bush, Bush Hits Ashcroft
The 9/11 Commission makes for strange politics inside the administration.