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To: Coop


You don’t mind if I call you Cindy do you? When you sent a letter offering your thoughts on the death of your son, Spc. Casey Austin Sheehan, in the WAR FOR FREEDOM FROM TERROR, you called George, George, so I naturally assume we are on a first name basis too.

CINDY, it has not been long since your reckless and wanton foreign thought policies have tried killed my son, my big boy, my hero, my best-friend: A United States Marine. It hasn’t been long since your ignorant and arrogant lack of planning for the peace has tried to murder my oldest child. It has been awhile since your dishonest campaign tried to steal another election…but you all were way more subtle this time than in 2000, weren’t you? You hardly had to get the Supreme Court of the United States involved at all.

You feel so proud of yourself for betraying the country again, don’t you? You think you are very clever because you pulled the wool over the eyes of some of the people again. You think that you have some mandate from God…that you can “spend your political capital” any way that you want. CINDY you don’t care or even realize that 62,000,000 plus citizens of this country voted against you and your agenda. Still, you are going to continue your ruthless work of being a divider and not a uniter. CINDY, in 2000 when your ilk tried to steal that election and the Democrats gave up, I didn’t give up. I had the most ironic thought of my life then: "Oh well, how much damage can they do in four years?" Well, now I know how much you have damaged my family, this country, and this world. If you think I am going to allow you another minute to do even more damage, then you truly are mistaken. I will fight for our country and if that fails, your 'impeachment'. Also, the 'impeachment' of your girlfriend, JANE. The only thing is, I'm not politically savvy, and I don't have a Karl Rove to plan my strategy, but I do have a big mouth and a righteous cause, which still mean something in this country, I hope.

All of this lying, fooling, and betraying must be “hard work” Cindy. You really think you know what hard work is?

CINDY, let me tell you what “hard work” really is.

Hard work is seeing my oldest son, my brave and honorable son go off to a war that had, and still has, basis in reality. Hard work is worrying myrself gray and not being able to sleep because I don’t know if my child is safe from women like you.

Hard work is seeing my son leave for Parris Island one Sunday (after your child died) while I tried to enjoy the first supper without him.

Hard work is having two recruiters come to my house (after your child died) to confirm my son…my first born…my kind and gentle sweet baby was serious about joining the United States Marine Corps.

Hard work is waiting to find out when he will be deployed. Hard work is holding my other two children as they struggle to understand the big picture. Hard work is not being able to enlist in the Marine Corps with him.

But, Dear CINDY, do you know what the hardest work of all is? Trying to digest the fact that a mother in the country that my family has fought for and died for, for generations, lied to you and doesn’t realize she has betrayed any sense of her dear boy’s sense of honor and exploited his courage and exploited his loyalty to his buddies. Hard work is having my country abandon me when women like you try to kill my country. Hard work is coming to the realization that my son gave his future to women who don’t appreciate or understand this sacrifice and that I feel I have had my son's future and future grand-children threatened by women like you. Hard work is knowing that there are so many people in this world that have prospered handsomely from your son's death, Cindy.

CINDY, I must confess that I and my family are working very HARD to re-defeat you this time, but you refuse to stay defeated. Well, we are watching you very carefully. We are going to do everything in our power to have you 'impeached' for trying to mislead the American people into a disastrous civil war and for mis-using and abusing your power. We are going to scream until our last breath to bring the rest of our babies home from this War of Freedom from Terror that murderers have gotten our country into: before too many more families learn the true meaning of Hard Work. We know it is going to be an uphill battle, but thanks to Jane, we know the meaning of Hard Work and we’re not afraid of hard work at all.

The 62,000,000 plus citizens who voted against you and your agenda have given me a mandate to move forward with my agenda. Also, because of you and your careless domestic policies, I am glad I am unemployed, so this will be my full-time job. Being your political downfall will be the most noble accomplishment of my life and it will bring justice for my son and other brave Americans and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis your lies have killed. By the way, CINDY, how many more innocent Iraqis are your policies going to kill before you convince them that you are better than George? How many more cities are you going to level before you consider that they are liberated? If you really had any moral values, or if you were an honorable woman at all you would resign. My son is a man who has high moral values and true courage. Humanity lost a bright light on April 04, 2004 but lights a great many more every time a new recruit is transformed. I will live the rest of my life missing Casey desperately. Thank you for that, CINDY. Have a nice day.


Thank you Coop…that approach did indeed fail. I've been around a long time, but never really had anything to add that I thought might be worthwhile... until today.

119 posted on 08/12/2005 7:09:51 AM PDT by freema (Ready to Rock AND Roll)
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To: freema

My pleasure, Freema, and welcome aboard! I enjoyed your "ranting" reply. :-) I'm gonna ping you on another thread you might enjoy.

120 posted on 08/12/2005 7:12:27 AM PDT by Coop (
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To: freema

Well done, Freema. Excellent turn-around!

144 posted on 08/12/2005 9:21:24 AM PDT by Albertafriend
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