Yep, that's why the gays run happily through school converting your kids into liberal homosexuals. Enjoy the reward of public schools.
I am a product of our public schools, my kids are going to a Christian school. So... your point is?
It doens't have to be Catholic, infact most Catholic Churches are accepting Homosexuality.
Ok, I would have to agree with you to some extent. I admire the discipline.
However, with what the church is going through these days that point seems moot. I mean, there are Homosexual Priests molesting children. SO, the gays are running rampant in the church as well.
The Church of the Resurection, just down the street from me has a separate mass for homosexuals. NOT to tell them that thier lifestyle is an abomination to God, but just allowing them to come to mass and taking the Eucharist. And, if my catechism taught me correctly, homosexuality is a sin, if you sin and do not go to pennance and repent from that sin, then you cannot take the eucharist. Hypocracy...