To: wagglebee
Liberalism is conservatism's wayward teen. Everything we do, all our work and sacrifice goes to them, and they waste it. Is it worth it? Ask any parent.
Dead Heads had their fun and good times precisely because others created the safe little fantasy bubble in which they could thrive. Same is true for academia and all of liberal wasteland. Conservatives produce dividends, liberals spend them. Or steal them, in most cases....
To: SteveMcKing
I agree and when I was a goofy teenager following the Dead I would tell the stupid moronic hippies that. I would hear them complain about Reagan and would tell them if it wasn't for the military we couldn't be running around goofing off, ect...they were to stupid and stoned to understand that but I knew it all too well.
49 posted on
08/09/2005 7:37:29 PM PDT by
scott says
(let the echo decide if I was right or wrong)
To: SteveMcKing
Dead Heads had their fun and good times precisely because others created the safe little fantasy bubble in which they could thrive. Yes, then why did those who came before, sacrifice so much for? Is this not one benefits of those sacrifices?
I choose to honor and respect those who did for precisely that very reason.
69 posted on
08/09/2005 8:37:27 PM PDT by
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