To: wagglebee
Same here...I got into them back in 1979, in high school. On summer break I'd be trekking across the country having WILD adventures while everybody else was ho humming it at home.I had a blast and those times will always be the happiest of memories. I loved the music, after about 1984 they really went downhill and I lost interest. I have a closet full of bootleg tapes, never listen to them, though once in a great while ,after one to many glasses of wine, I'll break out a really fun tape....lets see Ventura Ca July 18,1982...happy trails!!

28 posted on
08/09/2005 7:16:44 PM PDT by
scott says
(let the echo decide if I was right or wrong)
To: scott says
39 posted on
08/09/2005 7:23:08 PM PDT by
(Why does this tag line keep showing up?)
To: scott says
Here you go, as good a recording as you'll find of that show.
I remember the day he died. It's weird, because it's one of the few deaths that I remember like that. I was only 15 at the time, but it really was a massive event, and I was very much into my music at that time.
62 posted on
08/09/2005 8:18:26 PM PDT by
July 4th
(A vacant lot cancelled out my vote for Bush.)
To: scott says
Went downhill after 84? It wasn't till 84 or later that they got professional enough to be able to put a reasonably consistent product on the table night after night.
133 posted on
08/10/2005 10:01:03 AM PDT by
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