Pinkos, liberals, and democrats in congress have been demanding higher gas prices for decades. Of course, every time the price goes up a nickle they demand lower prices.
It was the 'liberal' Carter crowd who really began the mess we continue being adversely effected by. Carter & company allowed ruthless, 7th century 'thinking' Islamic madmen to seize control of Iran, OPEC's second largest producer of oil, in-effect handing over to one insane Muslim sect (Shia), a very profitable cash cow for their world-wide terrorism goals.
Carter & his comrades also endeavoured to stuff us into dinky matchbox cars plus wanted all kinds of add on gas taxes and what was even worse, he treated the American public as though they were the cause of the so-called 'energy crisis', which he created, in more ways then one. President Reagan ousted Carter through the voter's mandate & then did his best to undo the Carter nightmare.
Each time a liberal cry baby pulls into gas station I hope they are really crying now.