Gas prices have NOT hit record levels yet.
"Gas prices have NOT hit record levels yet."
They haven't? About $2.70/gl for regular in my neck of the neighborhood?
$3.00 plus per gallon in California is a record to me.
You are right. I do not even want to think about Labor Day weekend.
If - if for some unknown reason the geostrategics cool off some, crude will most likely have an abrupt profit taking reversal, and then head right back up and beyond current levels, contingent on numerous factors.
"Gas prices shave NOT hit record levels yet"
Oh don't give us that unmittigated B.S. about "when you adjust for inflation" because a lot of us were not old enough to be driving in 1973 and don't give two S--TS what gas prices were then. We care what we are paying now and it's rising to ridiculous levels.