Notice that she is really from Berkley:
Jul. 12, 2005
Military recruiting targeted by activists
By Lisa Leff
Associated Press
Among those standing outside San Francisco City Hall as
campaign organizers prepared to submit 15,000 signatures
they had gathered to put the measure before voters was Cindy
Sheehan, a Berkeley resident whose 24-year-old son, Casey,
died on April 4, 2004, five days after he arrived with his
Army unit in Iraq.
Wiping away tears, Sheehan said that the recruiter who
persuaded her son to join the Army four years earlier
promised Casey he would never see combat and reneged on most
of the signing bonus he was guaranteed.
"I believe if that recruiter had not taken advantage of my
trusting and trustworthy son, he would be alive today,"
Sheehan said. "The kids need to know the truth."
Apparently this is Cindy's full-time job. She is clearly being paid by someone, probablly George Soros through
With what I'm reading about this mother, it is becoming clearer to me that what she hates most, is herself. Not only does she feel responsible for not being able to stop her son from enlisting...but if she's held these same attitudes (being from Berkeley) her entire life, she may have helped push her son to the career he chose.
Children are often rebellious; and it wouldn't come as a surprise to me if this was Casey's way of showing his independence from his obviously opinionated mother. Only Cindy knows the truth; but if there is any truth in this, her outrage is about what she did...not Bush or anybody else.