Are you a member of the Taliban? You sure do post like one. It's YOUR way, or else everyone else is a knuckle-dragging neaderthal.
To refute you insane comments, Lincoln and the Northern Congress admitted West Virginia as a SLAVE state during the war. Lincoln defended slaveowners in court, advocated an amendment guaranteeing PERMANENT & IRREVOCABLE slavery, and gleefully welcomed the addition of a new slave state.
The states that seceded did so for the right of self-government. The UNION fought AGAINST self-government, King Lincoln wanted the money. A dozen years previously as a representative he railed (a drug-induced 'fever dream'?) against the very actions he took as President.
You fire back, "Are you a member of the Taliban? You sure do post like one.(?)
I was under the impression that blazing sun down there was the cause of your obvious, advanced case of 'ulta-rebelitis', but if eating "grits" day & night is also directly link to your nonstop idiotic, insurrectionary incitement, then cool it on the "grits", and stay out of that 'Confederate' sun. No wonder you people lost the Civil War.