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Let's Have No More Monkey Trials - To teach faith as science is to undermine both
Time Magazine ^ | Monday, Aug. 01, 2005 | CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER

Posted on 08/01/2005 10:58:13 AM PDT by wallcrawlr

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To: spunkets; betty boop
Thank you so much for your post!

I think the inherent is in the physical reality.

That is apparent by your assertions. My view is, of course, the polar opposite.

For me, time is a dimension and apart from timelessness – physical reality is not merely three spatial dimensions evolving over (absolute) time. Moreover, there may be more than three spatial dimensions and more than one temporal dimension.

In the void, the null, which precedes the beginning in all cosmology there is no time, no space, no matter/energy, no corporeals, no causality, no order, no information. It is a difficult concept, but it is the context in which "all that there is" (heaven and earth, spiritual and physical) is cast.

The order that arises from that chaos is mathematical per se and may be manifest many times over in “reality”. Thus A=A is a mathematical statement of identity which applies to all instances of A - whether spiritual or physical. Likewise A=pi times the radius of a circle squared is a mathematical statement of identity regardless of instance on any geometric plane.

The math is universal. Further, it exists with a metaphysical quality:

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences Eugene Wigner (Physicist)

Mathematics does play, however, also a more sovereign role in physics. This was already implied in the statement, made when discussing the role of applied mathematics, that the laws of nature must have been formulated in the language of mathematics to be an object for the use of applied mathematics. The statement that the laws of nature are written in the language of mathematics was properly made three hundred years ago;[8 It is attributed to Galileo] it is now more true than ever before. In order to show the importance which mathematical concepts possess in the formulation of the laws of physics, let us recall, as an example, the axioms of quantum mechanics as formulated, explicitly, by the great physicist, Dirac. There are two basic concepts in quantum mechanics: states and observables. The states are vectors in Hilbert space, the observables self-adjoint operators on these vectors. The possible values of the observations are the characteristic values of the operators but we had better stop here lest we engage in a listing of the mathematical concepts developed in the theory of linear operators.

It is true, of course, that physics chooses certain mathematical concepts for the formulation of the laws of nature, and surely only a fraction of all mathematical concepts is used in physics. It is true also that the concepts which were chosen were not selected arbitrarily from a listing of mathematical terms but were developed, in many if not most cases, independently by the physicist and recognized then as having been conceived before by the mathematician. It is not true, however, as is so often stated, that this had to happen because mathematics uses the simplest possible concepts and these were bound to occur in any formalism. As we saw before, the concepts of mathematics are not chosen for their conceptual simplicity even sequences of pairs of numbers are far from being the simplest concepts but for their amenability to clever manipulations and to striking, brilliant arguments. Let us not forget that the Hilbert space of quantum mechanics is the complex Hilbert space, with a Hermitean scalar product. Surely to the unpreoccupied mind, complex numbers are far from natural or simple and they cannot be suggested by physical observations. Furthermore, the use of complex numbers is in this case not a calculational trick of applied mathematics but comes close to being a necessity in the formulation of the laws of quantum mechanics. Finally, it now begins to appear that not only complex numbers but so-called analytic functions are destined to play a decisive role in the formulation of quantum theory. I am referring to the rapidly developing theory of dispersion relations.

It is difficult to avoid the impression that a miracle confronts us here, quite comparable in its striking nature to the miracle that the human mind can string a thousand arguments together without getting itself into contradictions, or to the two miracles of the existence of laws of nature and of the human mind's capacity to divine them. The observation which comes closest to an explanation for the mathematical concepts' cropping up in physics which I know is Einstein's statement that the only physical theories which we are willing to accept are the beautiful ones. It stands to argue that the concepts of mathematics, which invite the exercise of so much wit, have the quality of beauty. However, Einstein's observation can at best explain properties of theories which we are willing to believe and has no reference to the intrinsic accuracy of the theory. We shall, therefore, turn to this latter question.

It is an unequivocal statement that order cannot rise out of chaos in an unguided system. Without physical laws which are mathematical – no physical “reality” would exist that an observer “in” that reality could describe.

Order out of chaos is the theme of Genesis 1 – it is built into the Hebrew language itself: evening is chaos, morning is order. The word “kind” speaks to the ordering of life by generation of heritable traits. The Hebrew language is also mathematical.

And, of course, the “guide” to the system is Jesus Christ Himself. (Col 1, John 1, Hebrews 1:3). To me, it is no wonder that He is called the Living Word of God (Rev 19), the Logos (John 1):

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. [There is] no speech nor language, [where] their voice is not heard. – Psalms 19:1-3

IMHO, mathematics is the language Christ used to form the cosmos – an invisible thing we are accountable for noticing in the physical realm:

Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed [it] unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: - Romans 1:19-20

1,761 posted on 08/06/2005 8:59:34 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Alamo-Girl; spunkets
Without the math (which is non-physical) what can we really understand about the physical 4 dimensions we sense?

One does wonder about the "unreasonable effectiveness of math" in allowing us to probe and "see" what cannot be directly observed within our four physical dimensions.

Bertrand Russell once skeptically (it seems) remarked that physics "is mathematical not because we know so much about the physical world, but because we know so little; it is only its mathematical properties that we can discover."

That last comment is particularly interesting to me. It suggests physics can only deal with a "reduction" of the physical world, and implies recognition that there are properties of the physical world that are not "mathematical." It isn't clear to me what Russell meant by this remark. I could interpret it to mean that he recognizes that science is limited to its side of the "cartesian split," and that the other side quite legitimately has its own work to do. So to speak. But I really don't want to put words in Russell's mouth here....

I certainly agree with you that methodological materialism wipes out of existence all geometric physics and information science. Yet I'm increasingly fascinated by Wesson's 5D with 2T (geometric) model as it might apply to Bell's experiment.

I'm still thinking that one through.... Anyhoot, thank you so Alamo-Girl, for your excellent essay/posts!

1,762 posted on 08/06/2005 9:54:01 AM PDT by betty boop (Nature loves to hide. -- Heraclitus)
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To: Alamo-Girl; spunkets
Order out of chaos is the theme of Genesis 1 ... mathematics is the language Christ used to form the cosmos – an invisible thing we are accountable for noticing in the physical realm.

Beautifully stated, Alamo-Girl! It's also the theme of Plato's creation myth.

It seems spunkets may not want to see this. I think perhaps he has conflated the representation (physical science) with the thing of which it is a representation. But this can only be a reduction, or partial view, of an utterly ungraspable Whole.

Or so it seems to me, for whatever that's worth....

Thank you so much for the link from Wigner, noting "Einstein's statement that the only physical theories which we are willing to accept are the beautiful ones. It stands to argue that the concepts of mathematics, which invite the exercise of so much wit, have the quality of beauty. However, Einstein's observation can at best explain properties of theories which we are willing to believe and has no reference to the intrinsic accuracy of the theory."

How can mathematics be understood to be only implicit or "embodied" in physical nature if mathematical theories can be volitional objects for man, without regard to whether any particular theory is intrinsically accurate?

Thank you, Alamo-Girl, for your outstanding essay/post!

1,763 posted on 08/06/2005 10:20:40 AM PDT by betty boop (Nature loves to hide. -- Heraclitus)
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To: betty boop; spunkets
Thank you so very much for your excellent essay-posts and great meditations!!!

It seems spunkets may not want to see this. I think perhaps he has conflated the representation (physical science) with the thing of which it is a representation. But this can only be a reduction, or partial view, of an utterly ungraspable Whole. Or so it seems to me, for whatever that's worth....

I strongly agree.

Sometimes I wonder if scientists who begin with a presupposition of naturalism aren’t somewhat like the person who comes into a movie already in progress. How can there be understanding without cosmology?

How can mathematics be understood to be only implicit or "embodied" in physical nature if mathematical theories can be volitional objects for man, without regard to whether any particular theory is intrinsically accurate?

Very insightful, betty boop. How indeed. That's a great meditation.

And I also greatly appreciate your raising Plato’s cosmogony of chaos to order. His concept of forms (or universals) lies at the heart of many differences around here and among the disciplines of science and math.

Thank you also for that interesting quote from Russell. It does indeed suggest that there is more than the strictly mathematical in “all that there is”. If he meant the division between what science can address and what it cannot – then I would suggest we ought to compare it with Bohr’s. I do have a tendency to reduce the boundary between science/math and theology/philosophy to “meaning” - one can theorize and test/observe how the physical realm “is” but the other must address why it is.

I look forward to your thoughts on Wesson’s 5D/2T v. non-locality!

Jeepers, you’ve given me a weekend’s worth of meditations. Thank you!

1,764 posted on 08/06/2005 11:30:56 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Alamo-Girl; spunkets; marron; D-fendr; PatrickHenry
Jeepers, you’ve given me a weekend’s worth of meditations. Thank you!

Thank you so much for your encouragements, Alamo-Girl! All I can say is, "ouch, my head hurts!" :^) Russell especially can have that effect on one....

Seems to me there's more to the "all that there is" than meets the eye. You know how much I love Plato. Plato had to develop a whole "new language" to even speak of these things that don't ever meet the eye, but which we humans experience anyway (e.g., qualia, thought, feelings, emotions, susceptibility to beauty, truth, et al.). That was the language of the myth.

Today, the word "myth" means something false or a superstitious belief. But Voegelin reminds us that, for Plato, "the myth remains the legitimate expression of the fundamental movements of the soul."

I'm writing away this afternoon on "Timothy." Things seem to be going well; but you will have the opportunity to make your own judgment about that, pretty soon.... I truly hope you will be most severe and critical when the time comes!

Hugs, dear sister! Thank you so much for writing!

1,765 posted on 08/06/2005 12:59:44 PM PDT by betty boop (Nature loves to hide. -- Heraclitus)
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To: Rockingham
 "Take that, Mom and Dad! I threw over the traces when I went to college! I've drunk alcohol, danced, read Playboy, and dated loose wimmen! There were no lightning bolts from the sky to punish me and I've learned about e-vo-lu-tion!"
Well, for one, I am glad that God does NOT settle His accounts on a daily basis!

NIV 2 Peter 3:8-9
 8.  But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
 9.  The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

NIV 2 Peter 3:15
   Bear in mind that our Lord's patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him.
NIV Romans 2:2-11
 2.  Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth.
 3.  So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment?
 4.  Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?
 5.  But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed.
 6.  God "will give to each person according to what he has done."
 7.  To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.
 8.  But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger.
 9.  There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile;
 10.  but glory, honor and peace for everyone who does good: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.
 11.  For God does not show favoritism.

NIV Romans 9:22
   What if God, choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath--prepared for destruction?

NIV 1 Timothy 1:15-16
 15.  Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--of whom I am the worst.
 16.  But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.

NIV 1 Peter 3:17-22
 17.  It is better, if it is God's will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.
 18.  For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit,
 19.  through whom  also he went and preached to the spirits in prison
 20.  who disobeyed long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water,
 21.  and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also--not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
 22.  who has gone into heaven and is at God's right hand--with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him.

1,766 posted on 08/06/2005 1:44:20 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going....)
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To: MEGoody
The 'groups' of believers in Creationism, ID and evolution all have their unsavory characters.


1,767 posted on 08/06/2005 1:45:19 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going....)
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To: Right Wing Professor

Hit the Road, Jack!

1,768 posted on 08/06/2005 1:46:53 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going....)
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To: Elsie

And as a columnist friend of mine once remarked: "The only good thing about the devastation of a nuclear war would be that so many people deserve it."

1,769 posted on 08/06/2005 2:27:22 PM PDT by Rockingham
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To: Alamo-Girl
just checking in...

"I think perhaps he has conflated the representation (physical science) with the thing of which it is a representation. But this can only be a reduction, or partial view, of an utterly ungraspable Whole. Or so it seems to me, for whatever that's worth...

Nah, the particles and waves and eqs. are not the reality. They are mental contstructs used to know and understand it.

"I'm increasingly fascinated by Wesson's 5D with 2T (geometric) model as it might apply to Bell's experiment.

" it is mathematically reasonable that rather than 1080 particles in 4 dimensions, what we "observe" may actually as little as a single particle in a 5th spatial dimension with 2 temporal dimensions, multiply imaged 1080 times. (Wesson)

"...Wesson’s 5D/2T v. non-locality!

The experiments have already been done. Superluninal comm is impossible and there are no hidden variables. You're in 4d, everything you see(your observations) is in 4d.

Wesson's space-time-mass theory is ~equal to higher 10/11d compactified string theory- brane theory. Wesson's is a 5d theory. In it a 4d spacetime hyperspace exists on a 5d manifold. ie. a 4d on a brane well. The 5th d is either timelike, or space like. It's not compacted and you don't see it. The 5th d is the normal to the 4d hypersurface.

The 5d space is Ricci flat and "looks" empty. That's where that, "looks like a single particle on the 5th" comes from. It's not really a single particle.

I would guess that 5th coord. is spacelike for 2 reasons. It doesn't make sense for the normal to this hyperspace to represent time. In interactions with the mass that exists within the 4d hyperspace, because of the 5th, c is the limiting comm signal between here and the vacuum(IMO, the "flat", the "particle" of 5d). Also, hypothetical hspace interactions would have some "c". I think proper time(t2) for this 4d hyperspace is simply linear in this model. That's really another t, but it's not needed, because there's no dynamics.

1,770 posted on 08/06/2005 8:55:23 PM PDT by spunkets
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To: betty boop
I'm so glad to hear that "Timothy" is moving right along! I'm looking forward to reviewing it!!!

Thank you so much for the great insights on Plato. Indeed, the word "myth" has morphed over the years to mean something unseemly. Nevertheless, great literature down the ages has inspired people both to understanding and wisdom.

1,771 posted on 08/06/2005 9:01:52 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: betty boop

Sorry, forgot to ping you too.

1,772 posted on 08/06/2005 9:11:52 PM PDT by spunkets
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To: spunkets

I've suggested before (some where in the FR archives) that one cannot have 2-dimensional time; 1 or 3 is possible but not 2 (or 4 or 5 or 6; 7 is posible.)

One problem with two (or any higher dimensional) time is that the geometry is no longer hyperbolic; experiment seems to show that the universe is hyperbolic. (Someone pointed this out to me last spring.)

Another problem (of my own making) is algebraic. If one does the Minkowsky thing with two dimensional time, one gets three space dimensions (x,y,z for example) and two time dimensions which are imaginary Sqrt(-1)*t and Sqrt(-1)*u (using "u" as the another time dimension.) The two Sqrt(-1)s cannot be the same else the two dimensions could not be told apart; thus one really has (using i**2=-1 and introducing j**2=-1) so that the coordinates of an event are (x,y,z,it,iu). However when taking the metric in the presence of mater leads to terms in it*ju and thus requiring i*j to exist; it cannot be 1 or -1 (as was pointed out by Hamilton in the 1840s) and thus we need ij=k so that there is a third time coordinate. So we really need (x,y,z,it,ju,kv) with i**2=j**2=k**2=-1 and ij=k. This allows a consistent algebra. The geometry isn't hyperbolic though and the metric need not be symmetric.

1,773 posted on 08/06/2005 9:34:25 PM PDT by Doctor Stochastic (Vegetabilisch = chaotisch is der Charakter der Modernen. - Friedrich Schlegel)
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To: spunkets

I should point out that even with 2 or more dimensional time; causality isn't a problem. The definition of a light-cone still applies. Things with space-like separation cannot be causally (causa efficiens, of course) connected.

1,774 posted on 08/06/2005 9:36:00 PM PDT by Doctor Stochastic (Vegetabilisch = chaotisch is der Charakter der Modernen. - Friedrich Schlegel)
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To: spunkets; betty boop; Doctor Stochastic
Thank you for your reply!

Nah, the particles and waves and eqs. are not the reality. They are mental contstructs used to know and understand it.

Then what is your definition of reality?

The experiments have already been done. Superluninal comm is impossible and there are no hidden variables.

Here you are speaking only of the violation of Bell’s inequalities at distance which show that the measurement of one entangled particle will determine the other regardless of the spatial separation – 10 kilometers, on the moon, other side of the galaxy, etc. For the Lurkers:

PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News Number 414 February 11, 1999 by Phillip F. Schewe and Ben Stein

THE FIRST ENTANGLEMENT OF THREE PHOTONS has been experimentally demonstrated by researchers at the University of Innsbruck (contact Harald Weinfurter,, 011-43-512-507-6316). Individually, an entangled particle has properties (such as momentum) that are indeterminate and undefined until the particle is measured or otherwise disturbed. Measuring one entangled particle, however, defines its properties and seems to influence the properties of its partner or partners instantaneously, even if they are light years apart. In the present experiment, sending individual photons through a special crystal sometimes converted a photon into two pairs of entangled photons. After detecting a "trigger" photon, and interfering two of the three others in a beamsplitter, it became impossible to determine which photon came from which entangled pair. As a result, the respective properties of the three remaining photons were indeterminate, which is one way of saying that they were entangled (the first such observation for three physically separated particles). The researchers deduced that this entangled state is the long-coveted GHZ state proposed by physicists Daniel Greenberger, Michael Horne, and Anton Zeilinger in the late 1980s. In addition to facilitating more advanced forms of quantum cryptography, the GHZ state will help provide a nonstatistical test of the foundations of quantum mechanics. Albert Einstein, troubled by some implications of quantum science, believed that any rational description of nature is incomplete unless it is both a local and realistic theory: "realism" refers to the idea that a particle has properties that exist even before they are measured, and "locality" means that measuring one particle cannot affect the properties of another, physically separated particle faster than the speed of light. But quantum mechanics states that realism, locality--or both--must be violated. Previous experiments have provided highly convincing evidence against local realism, but these "Bell's inequalities" tests require the measurement of many pairs of entangled photons to build up a body of statistical evidence against the idea. In contrast, studying a single set of properties in the GHZ particles (not yet reported) could verify the predictions of quantum mechanics while contradicting those of local realism. (Bouwmeester et al., Physical Review Letters, 15 Feb.)

Although the phenomenon is superluminal in that it occurs regardless of spatial separation (a nansecond is about a foot) – no particles are being transmitted, hence the speed of light is not being violated per se. There was a lot of excitement at the time that it would facilitate superluminal transmission (information theory at the quantum level). The snafu to that idea is that one cannot clone an unknown and hence there can be no error correction and thus it cannot be used for superluminal transmission – it can however be used for quantum cryptology.

I’d appreciate your explaining how you see quantum entanglement involved in P.S. Wesson’s 5 Dimension/2 Time Theory!

Concerning Wesson’s theory you oberved:

Wesson's space-time-mass theory is ~equal to higher 10/11d compactified string theory- brane theory. Wesson's is a 5d theory. In it a 4d spacetime hyperspace exists on a 5d manifold. ie. a 4d on a brane well. The 5th d is either timelike, or space like. It's not compacted and you don't see it. The 5th d is the normal to the 4d hypersurface. The 5d space is Ricci flat and "looks" empty. That's where that, "looks like a single particle on the 5th" comes from. It's not really a single particle.

I would guess that 5th coord. is spacelike for 2 reasons. It doesn't make sense for the normal to this hyperspace to represent time. In interactions with the mass that exists within the 4d hyperspace, because of the 5th, c is the limiting comm signal between here and the vacuum(IMO, the "flat", the "particle" of 5d). Also, hypothetical hspace interactions would have some "c". I think proper time(t2) for this 4d hyperspace is simply linear in this model. That's really another t, but it's not needed, because there's no dynamics.

The Space-Time-Matter consortium’s work differs considerably from the Kaluza/Klein compactified models of ordinary string theory. As they say:

We are a group of physicists and astronomers working on a five-dimensional version of general relativity. Our work differs from Kaluza-Klein theory (the basis of superstrings) in that we do not assume compactification of the extra dimension. This means that new terms (those involving the 5th coordinate) enter into physics, even at low energies. In 4D spacetime these can be interpreted as matter and energy. We move them to the right-hand side of the 4D field equations and take them to describe an induced energy-momentum tensor. In fact, we have shown that no 5D energy-momentum tensor is required. 4D matter of all kinds can arise as a manifestation of a higher-dimensional vacuum. This is one way to realize Einstein's dream of transmuting the "base wood" of matter into the "pure marble" of geometry -- that is, of unifying the gravitational field, not just with other fields but with its source.

For Lurkers interested in more: General Formulation of STM Theory

Doctor Stochastic, I'd appreciate your comments on the above - he addresses the Minkowski gauge and curvature points in the body. The violation of physical causality was raised by Cumrun Vafa's f-theory. Somewhere I have a bookmark to an interesting debate between Vafa and Tegmark on that very point. I'll see if I can find it for the Lurkers.

Wesson's 5D/2T model calls for both an additional spatial dimension and an additional temporal dimension and for dynamics. The particles actually exist in the 5th spatial dimension and may be multiply imaged in 4D. The abstract reads:

It is possible that null paths in 5D appear as timelike paths of massive particles in 4D, where there is an oscillation in the 5th dimension around the hypersurface we call space/time. A particle in 5D may be regarded as multiply imaged in 4D, and the 4D weak equivalence principle may be regarded as a symmetry of the 5D metric.

Concerning the brane in the 5D/2T Theory:

The case N=5 continues to be a major focus, because it is the basic extension of general relativity and the low-energy limit of more extended theories. Thus N=5 induced matter theory and membrane theory are widely regarded as the best options for resolving the cosmological constant and hierarchy problems for the energy density of the vacuum and masses of particles, because they both drop the hobbling cylinder condition (no dependence on the extra coordinate) typical of old Kaluza-Klein theory. The versatility of 5D relativity has recently been illustrated again by the demonstration that timelike paths in 4D can be interpreted as null paths in 5D. This implies that what we regard as massive particles moving through spacetime, with finite separations in ordinary 3D and 4D proper time, are photon-like objects in 5D with no ‘separation’ in supertime. Such an interpretation should not be viewed as merely a neat concept, because if we use the 4D proper time of conventional relativity to parametize the motion of a particle in 5D, the geodesic equations for the latter show that in general there is a fifth force which acts parallel to the 4-velocity in both induced-matter and membrane theory and is in principle open to observation. The implicatons of this are major, irrespective of whether we live in a world where matter is the manifestation of an unconstrained fifth dimension or in one where we are constrained to a hypersurface in a shadowy five-dimensional “bulk”. The two approaches appear to be equivalent, at least mathematically.

In what follows, we wish to extend what has been noted above and derive several new results in two-time 5D relativity that are remarkable.

And the conclusion:

There are non-unique times in 4D statistical mechanics, 5D relativity and N(>5)D string theory. In 5D, particles which are dynamically massless can appear to be massive in spacetime, and are acted upon in general by a fifth force which can manifest itself in both induced-matter and membrane theory though these approaches are mathematically equivalent. In the present work, we have outlined the main consequences of 5D relativity with signature [+(---)+]. Though technically referred to as “two-time” metrics, there is no problem with closed timelike paths because the second timelike coordinate is related to the (inertial) rest mass of a particle in both induced-matter and membrane theory. To derive physical results requires the specification of a gauge, as in (1) or (2). However, we have given the components of the 5D Ricci tensor: RAB for a general non-electromagnetic gauge in (3)-(5). These for field equations RAB = 0 lead to expressions for the embedded 4D Einstein space, namely (6) for the curvature scalar and (7) for the energy-momentum tensor. The exact solution (8) illustrates the new physics derivable from two-time metrics: it describes a wave moving through a deSitter vacuum. The general two-times metrics (9) describe waves in the fifth dimension that oscillate around the hypersurface we call spacetime. This can be used as a model for multiply-imaged particles. The dynamics of the latter are governed by the relations (10)-(12), which show that the fifth force typical of induced-matter and membrane theory is absent if the weak equivalent principle is invoked as a symmetry of the metric.

1,775 posted on 08/06/2005 10:14:15 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Doctor Stochastic; Alamo-Girl; betty boop
"One problem with two (or any higher dimensional) time is that the geometry is no longer hyperbolic; experiment seems to show that the universe is hyperbolic."

In Wesson's theory, or the equivalent, std 4d(x3,ct) remains whether the 5th is spacelike, or timelike. 4d must remain to fit the observations. The 5th d is the normal to the local 4d h-space, so that the 5d space remains Ricci flat. A Minkowski equiv construction/calc with that, regardless of the 5th being timelike, or spacelike, is impossible. The fifth only appears to unite EM, gravity and account for most of the particles in the std model. This 5d construction results in mass appearing in the 4d space, unites EM and gravity and accounts for most of the particles in the std model with limits of... => It's ~10/11d string theory, w, or w/o supersym. I think 26d is required to account for all the particles. Some fermions are missing with 10/11d. I'm not that familiar with all the variations here, details and various equivalences and consequences of any change of details. One at a time here.

1,776 posted on 08/06/2005 10:30:06 PM PDT by spunkets
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To: Alamo-Girl
" Then what is your definition of reality?"

It's all relative. Right now, bedtime. Reality is closing down fast...

My definition for reality would be what actually exists. I can say that physical reality, supports the non physical reality that only exists in the mind-the representations. All I can do to describe both is to use representations, math, mental images and words.

1,777 posted on 08/06/2005 10:41:34 PM PDT by spunkets
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To: spunkets; Doctor Stochastic; betty boop
Thank you for sharing your view of reality! I'm all worn out too and heading off to bed.

But I wanted to let y'all know I haven't been able to find the Tegmark/Vafa debate about 2T violating physical causality in F-Theory.

I did however find Itzhak Bars who has been following the 2T subject rather closely and wanted to clue y'all in on a interesting chart he prepared: 2T Physics

I'll try to catch up with y'all tomorrow!

1,778 posted on 08/06/2005 10:48:11 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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To: Alamo-Girl
"quantum entanglement"

I'll pass.

" the second timelike coordinate is related to the (inertial) rest mass of a particle in both induced-matter and membrane theory."

The process of getting that mass and such processesthat are considered in QED cause me to think the d is spacelike, because x/c has always been used and observed as the limiting time. Lorentz invariance. I'd guess they'd never see Higg's particles in upcoming experiments if the d is timelike.

1,779 posted on 08/06/2005 11:03:39 PM PDT by spunkets
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To: spunkets
Thank you for your reply!

The process of getting that mass and such processesthat are considered in QED cause me to think the d is spacelike, because x/c has always been used and observed as the limiting time. Lorentz invariance. I'd guess they'd never see Higg's particles in upcoming experiments if the d is timelike.

I suspect that the quest for an explanation of matter lies at the heart of all the dimensional theories which we are discussing.

The Higgs field/boson, which has not yet been made or observed – is necessary to the Standard Model. If not found, another explanation is needed. But even if found, the Higgs only explains 5% of the critical density of the universe (ordinary matter). Hence, the search is on for supersymmetry.

Moreover, the 5D theories consistently propose that matter of all kinds in 4D is a manifestation of higher dimensional dynamics.

At any rate, the Higgs alone will not do the trick - nor even with superparticles do we have a complete explanation; therefore, the investigation continues for a geometric solution to understand mass. It's like peeling an onion, each layer tells us more.

For Lurkers, a recent Freeper discussion on The Mysteries of Mass

Concerning investigations into the possibility of violating Lorentz invariance, Lurkers might want to keep tabs on Kostelecky and Mewes. There's always someone picking at the paradigms in physics. That is one of the great things about the discipline, IMHO!

1,780 posted on 08/07/2005 8:34:11 AM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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