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Sen. Torricelli Played Key Role in Closing Down CIA Ops
NewsMax ^ | BACKSTORY 9/17/01 | Wes Vernon

Posted on 07/30/2005 11:36:27 AM PDT by Liz

WASHINGTON - Sen. Robert Torricelli, D-N.J., led congressional efforts in the mid-1990s that handcuffed the CIA's abilities to recruit spies - a key policy that helped allow the attacks of Sept. 11 to take place with no intelligence warnings. Current and former CIA operatives say that Clinton administration policies, which forbade the CIA from recruiting known terrorists and other criminals, left the U.S. government bereft of all intelligence about such terrorist groups.

In 1995, then-Rep. Robert Torricelli, D-N.J., made secrets public at the behest of left-wing activist Bianca Jagger, his girlfriend at the time, according to Newark Star-Ledger columnist Paul Mulshine in the January/February issue of Heterodoxy.

The secrets suggested that the CIA had on its payroll one or more unsavory characters who had been involved in murder.

Torricelli gave away secrets he obtained through his membership on the House Intelligence Committee.

This so outraged then-Speaker Newt Gingrich that he tried to have the New Jersey Democrat kicked off the panel.

Later, Torricelli was criticized in a committee report for having compromised American intelligence-gathering abilities around the world, adding that numerous CIA sources had decided to stop giving information for fear they would be outed by a congressman.

At the time, Torricelli's activities and leaks against the CIA garnered a large amount of press attention.

Mulshine’s article showed how Torricelli’s action in giving away the name of a CIA source in Guatemala was based not on fact, but on a conspiracy theory of "the loony left,” as Heterodoxy later characterized it.

The lawmaker was accused of having leaped to a number of inaccurate conclusions about the CIA’s role in the deaths of an American hotel owner named Michael DeVine and a Guatemalan guerilla named Efrain Bamaca Velazquez.

In its 1997 report, the House Intelligence Committee had this to say about the antics of Torricelli, by then a senator:

"None of the allegations raised by Rep. Torricelli in the March 22, 1995 letter to the president [Clinton] or subsequent public statements concerning the involvement of the CIA in the DeVine and Bamaca deaths in Guatemala have proved true.”

Still, Torricelli efforts paid off with the Clinton administration, which moved to ban the use of spies or the recruitment of spies that had any involvement with criminals or terrorists.

Torricelli effectively blinded the CIA.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Foreign Affairs; Government; Politics/Elections; US: New Jersey
KEYWORDS: cia; clinton; cuba; cubanspy; informer; spy; torricelli; traitor
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Fast forward to today: Torricelli is pumping and revising his corrupt resume: News reports say he formed a consulting business, Rosemont Associates, that advises the government of Taiwan, along with a list of corporate clients. He invests in real estate, including a handful of apartments, a strip mall and four small offices in the Trenton area. He does legal work for Barrack, Rodos and Bacine, a firm in Philadelphia. And he is overseeing the gargantuan chromium cleanup at the Honeywell site in Jersey City, which pays him $375 per hour.

He says he can't imagine ever running for office again, but he won't absolutely rule it out. A more realistic goal, he says, would be to serve as a US ambassador. He still has $2 million in leftover campaign funds, and he wants to play a major role in a presidential campaign. His choice is Hillary Clinton. He plans to host a fund- raiser ......for her Senate re-election campaign, and says she can win the presidential race in 2008.


1 posted on 07/30/2005 11:36:28 AM PDT by Liz
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To: Liz
McSleazy made Toricelli the master in charge of a multi mult million dollar fund to ressurect Camden, NJ.

He has his hand in taxpayer funds and is close associate of Corzine's.

2 posted on 07/30/2005 11:41:42 AM PDT by OldFriend (MERCY TO THE GUILTY IS CRUELTY TO THE INNOCENT ~ Adam Smith)
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To: OldFriend

Coruuptzine was in on the infamous Torricelli Shuffle when the lowlife quit the race and McGay and the rest of them got the NJSC to break the law to install Loutenberg.

3 posted on 07/30/2005 11:43:52 AM PDT by Liz (You may not be interested in politics; doesn't mean politics isn't interested in you. Pericles)
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To: Liz
Words cannot describe how evil, corrupt, and despicable the Torch is... or how dangerous he is to the United States. The Torch is thick as thieves with the vile Clintons... enough said.

4 posted on 07/30/2005 11:45:35 AM PDT by FormerACLUmember (Honoring Saint Jude's assistance every day.)
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To: Liz; Coleus

Where and when did the ball get dropped and by whom that allowed all these criminals (well, terrorists) to come into power?

5 posted on 07/30/2005 11:50:04 AM PDT by Calpernia (
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To: FormerACLUmember

And he's got all his buddies in on the lucrative Honeywell deal that we, the peons, are paying for.....of course that's besides the equity positions the scumbag's got in the companies doing cleanup business for the govt.....which he's hidden in LLC's.

And how about Torislutty doing business in Taiwan? Maybe he's helping 'em tear down their intel agencies---like he did in the US.


6 posted on 07/30/2005 11:53:41 AM PDT by Liz (You may not be interested in politics; doesn't mean politics isn't interested in you. Pericles)
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To: Liz

Torricelli always wore nice suits though.

7 posted on 07/30/2005 11:53:44 AM PDT by ncountylee (Dead terrorists smell like victory)
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To: Liz

Something I've long wondered about...

Why is is that there's a guy who's in prison for bribing "the Torch," but "the Torch" is out and about, running around scott free, and making a ton of money?

Why is the "briber" in jail, but the "bribee" isn't?


8 posted on 07/30/2005 11:57:51 AM PDT by MarkL (It was a shocking cock-up. The mice were furious!)
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To: Calpernia

The Democrat vote centers on labor (big in NJ), women, enviros, and hypehnate voting blocs. They don't have to do much except pander----by promising big buck state and federal perks to all their blocs......which means taxpayers subsidize their " public service. "

9 posted on 07/30/2005 11:58:35 AM PDT by Liz (You may not be interested in politics; doesn't mean politics isn't interested in you. Pericles)
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To: MarkL

This is Liberal La La Land personified. All they ever wanted.....the criminals go free while others get punished. Thank you liberals (gag).

10 posted on 07/30/2005 12:00:23 PM PDT by Liz (You may not be interested in politics; doesn't mean politics isn't interested in you. Pericles)
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To: ncountylee

I wonder if he's ever been nicknamed "noodle boy", which would seem fitting.

11 posted on 07/30/2005 12:01:47 PM PDT by in hoc signo vinces ("Soylent Green is People!")
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To: DAVEY CROCKETT; MamaDearest; jerseygirl; WestCoastGal; SlowBoat407; Pepper777; lacylu; ...

Ping to another chapter in the takeover of America.

12 posted on 07/30/2005 12:02:44 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny ( Meet YOUR Communist party members in Congress)
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To: Liz
The Torch gets $375/hour for a "no show" consulting job in his Camden scam. Lets see, at 40 billable hours a week, that is $15K a week or $750K a year.

And that's just cash flow on the surface for a single scam.

13 posted on 07/30/2005 12:03:48 PM PDT by FormerACLUmember (Honoring Saint Jude's assistance every day.)
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To: FormerACLUmember

As I say, that's only the tip of the tax-paid bundle......

Torislutty's got hidden interests in businesses he hires for the cleanup.

The scam deal is Booby gets a piece of the action or they don't get any business.

14 posted on 07/30/2005 12:08:11 PM PDT by Liz (You may not be interested in politics; doesn't mean politics isn't interested in you. Pericles)
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To: nw_arizona_granny

Why isn't he in prison?

15 posted on 07/30/2005 12:12:05 PM PDT by SlowBoat407 (A living affront to Islam since 1959)
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To: Liz
The Torch is orgasmicly drooling over the prospect of Hillary gaining power, and singing (from the musical Cabaret):

"Money makes the world go around, the world go around, the world go around, Money makes the world go around, it makes the world go round."

16 posted on 07/30/2005 12:12:51 PM PDT by FormerACLUmember (Honoring Saint Jude's assistance every day.)
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To: Liz

Torch "the Torch" (Toricelli's nick name), his name is "toast" (& has been for some time).

17 posted on 07/30/2005 12:15:17 PM PDT by FReethesheeples (Was the Narcissistic Joe Wilson a Source in "Outing" His Own Wife Valerie Plame as a "CIA Agent"?)
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To: MarkL
You could also ask why James Traficant went to prison but Torricelli didn't, or why Dan Rostenkowski went but Torricelli didn't, or why Bill Janklow went but Ted Kennedy didn't.


18 posted on 07/30/2005 12:16:35 PM PDT by Political Junkie Too (It's still not safe to vote Democrat.)
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To: Liz

Good read:

13:21 2002-10-07
More of Dem Scandals

What’s happening in New Jersey? It is not as complex as the TV news would have you think…

Incumbent Democratic Senator Robert Torricelli has been embattled by ethics problems. So much so that he was officially censured by the US Senate, notably not only because of the infrequency that censuring takes place, but also because the Democratically controlled Senate was very friendly to Mr. Torricelli as he was the top fund raiser in the party. So great were his ethics woes that a previously unknown republican opponent, Doug Forrester, began to lead him in the polls.

A once untouchable Democratic incumbent was going to be felled to a “no name” leaving the majority in the Senate up for grabs. A worried Dem leadership yanked him from the ticket hoping to replace Mr. Torricelli with a candidate who was more likely to beat the come-from-behind challenger. Regardless of the fact that state law mandates that no candidate can be replaced on the ballot less that 51 days before an election, shaken Democrats scrambled to replace Mr. Torricelli on the ballot with a popular former senator, Frank Lautenberg.

The New Jersey Supreme Court agreed to hear the case today to see if the Democrats can indeed change the rules of the game while the game is in progress. This is exactly what the Democrats attempted to do during the 2000 national election. Either way, the Democrats will be the losers as they are seen as switching out a losing candidate with a healthier one- at best, a cheap attempt of maintaining the majority in the Senate.

Why all the fuss? For the answer, one has to look no further than today’s headlines. The Junta of Ten, the Senate Judiciary Committee- again Democrat controlled, whose strings are pulled by liberal special interest groups, will soon take a vote on yet another Bush nominee to the Federal Bench. This time it is Dennis Shedd from South Carolina. Liberal special interests know that they could never get their radical agenda past the American people so they must use a form of judicial tyranny to enact legislation through the hands of an unelected bench. Axing conservative judges is a great way to keep the status quo of liberal judges overriding the people’s will.

If the balance of power shifts to the Republicans in the upcoming mid-term elections, the Junta of Ten will lose their power to influence President Bush’s judicial legacy. The number one priority of the Democratic majority in the Senate is being able to obstruct conservative nominees to the Federal Bench, and Bob Torricelli stood in the way of this with his ethics woes steering a failing campaign.

Fallen Leaves: Barbra Streisand’s actions over the last few days have not cost the GOP a single vote. Her silly songs attempting to roast the Republican Party did little but make her and the Hollywood-laced crowd look silly for wishing for the scandal-ridden days of Bill Clinton to return. Perhaps she should start shouldering around with Bob “the Torch” Torricelli, as he mentioned his hero is Mr. Clinton in his tear ridden “I got the boot” speech on Sunday.

Ms. Streisand: You’ve come out for too many encores and we’re tired of seeing you…

Stephen A. McDonald

19 posted on 07/30/2005 12:18:34 PM PDT by Calpernia (
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To: Liz
His choice is Hillary Clinton.

Can we all say it together? DUH! She would make him an ambassador in a heartbeat, if (cough, gag) given the chance.

20 posted on 07/30/2005 12:20:26 PM PDT by SERKIT ("Blazing Saddles" explains it all.....)
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