I tend to avoid crowds when ever I can.I can count on the fingers of my hand the number of times I have had to put the baby to the breast in public.I try to be modest in those situations. Only once did a strange woman walk up to me and spew a diatribe about how women should only nurse at home.I'm sure she would have loved to report me to the police.By the way had a blanket over myself and the baby.I hope the protesters, you saw nursing bond with their babies.Love of their children may force them to back away from socialist principals.I don't find their nursing as offensive as the vitriol they spew at our soldiers.
The thing I've already seen in my time of observing the children of exhibitionist nursers -- it isn't a bond that forms -- the children rebel. It's not at all what one might think would happen in the "au organic motherhood" universe; but I've seen it so much. Sugar is taboo; therefore the children want sugar. War is bad, therefore the children want to join the military.
The "cow thing". Let me explain that.
The uber organic movements in Berkeley and San Francisco DO TREAT PUBLIC URINATION, PUBLIC NUDITY, PUBLIC SEXUAL INTERCOURSE, AND EXHIBITIONIST NURSING the same way: It's just a body function, as their saying goes.
Cows don't nurse their young to be "exhibitionist" -- they do it because they do not have brain cells which would coalesce into something mankind might and often does strive towards: higher civilization.
Among the "uber organies" is this theology of "back to Earth" (of which I go along with much of that; homeopathy, strong family ties, maintaining self-reliance and independence on multi-levels). But amid an urban center, say, like Berkeley and San Francisco? This rush back to nature under the setting of hightechnologic "urbanity" just makes them look like cows. Not "higher, more evolved" beings.
The whole thing with the bonding and the mothers? I think it's probably there. But I think instead of the children adapting to the world; the parents become like kids themselves, and tend to raise uncivilized kids.
Of course there are exceptions to the rule. I can count on one hand alone all the hippies I know who moved out to the communes of Guerneville, Cazadero, etc., to be "natural" and live self-sustaining lifestyles. A whole generation has passed and most of them who actually LIVED out the non-urban lifestyle.. became libertarians and conservatives. Those who live in urban "mecca's" talk a fine talk about "au naturalness" but don't walk it. They stay stuck psychologicallyy, I think, inside a twisted world view of "be here now". And they don't evolve. I sometimes suspect it's why they are so angry all the time.
I find their using their babies as political ideologic props as offensive as the vitriol they spew at our soldiers. It's all politics to them. More politics than nuture, that's for sure.