I don't think he is that smart
Well, that's my point: that is the only point in time HE could have seen them; they weren't in our possession until eight months until after HE got back.
So he could have only seen them when 1) they were being forged, or 2) "Natasha" showed him TOP SECRET documents after they came into our possession.
Wonder which one he would prefer to be charged with?
"I don't think he is that smart."
I've always thought he was being used by these people. I originally thought he cooked it up with them, but after the way he acted the following year, I started to wonder if THEY were the ones fooled by him--if he was going on about his trip to them and saying that he'd reported there was nothing, etc. And then they got burned when it turned out what he actually reported.
He ran with diplomats, foreign agents, govt. officials for years ... ya never know. The whole deal could've been contrived by the French or the Saudis and fed through the Italians ...nothing would surprise me. So where IS Woodward??? This is "Deep BIG Mouth."