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639 posted on 07/26/2005 6:42:11 AM PDT by MAWG (Diversity is where everyone looks different but thinks the same way.)
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To: Andy'smom; antceecee; sarasota; cyborg; kcvl; maggief; Fritzy; truthluva; ...
CNN LARRY KING LIVE - Interview With Natalee Holloway's Family

Aired July 25, 2005 - 21:00 ET

LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, a rare joint interview with both sides of Natalee Holloway's family nearly two months after she vanished, as they await test results, which could come any time now, on hair stuck to duct tape found on a beach in Aruba. Could there finally be a break in this mystery? With us from Aruba is Natalee's mom, Beth Holloway Twitty and her stepfather Jug Twitty, also with us Natalee's biological dad Dave Holloway and her stepmother Robin Holloway. They are all next on LARRY KING LIVE.

Good evening. We begin this extraordinary coverage of Aruba by going to our gal, Susan Candiotti, our CNN correspondent. She's in Miami. She's been covering this from the get-go.

Susan, anything -- any late developments?

SUSAN CANDIOTTI, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, there have been a number of developments this day. But the latest that's sparking a lot of interest, Larry, is a sworn statement that was taken on Sunday, by Aruban authorities, looking into Natalee's disappearance. And this comes from a man who is employed as a gardener on the island, and he came forward to say, that on the night of Natalee's disappearance, he was driving his car, at about 2:30 in the morning. Why at that hour? Well, he said he didn't have air- conditioning. It was really hot and he was trying to get to someone else's house.

Along the way he was driving and along a dirt road that's near this local racquet club that's very popular there, he said that he saw a parked car. And he said he noticed this because he was going at a fairly good clip and he had his headlights on and he almost hit the car, quite frankly, he told authorities. He says -- he claims that this car looked like the Kalpoe brothers' car, one of the two boys that was with Natalee, along with Joran Van Der Sloot. He said he was able to not only recognize them, he said, but also Joran Van Der Sloot being in the car. And he said that he had -- it is also reported that they ducked down in the car, try to somehow avoid his glance, but that he claims he was able to recognize them before moving down the road.

Larry, that's just one new thing that authorities are looking at.

KING: And what -- if that witness' story, let's say, is true, what does it mean?

CANDIOTTI: Well, it could be important because it at least puts the three, young men out there, at that hour. You will remember that they were reported to have left the bar at about 1:00 in the morning and then they said they -- of course, there are different versions here. But one of the many versions that we've heard, according to them, is that they dropped off Natalee and Joran Van Der Sloot, at the beach, that they spent some time there. And according to one version of the story, Van Der Sloot said that he left Natalee there at the beach, and made his way back on his own.

There's another version that says that he was with the boys in the car, and that -- we don't know how much time he would have spent at the beach. But at least it would have put them in the vicinity at about the time that -- after they would have dropped her off at the beach, let's say.

Now, there is a question about this because -- one question that's being raised is that it would take about a half hour to get from that spot back to the Kalpoe brothers' home. Why is that significant? Well, because we know from authorities and from law enforcement sources that the Kalpoe brothers -- one of them said that he was using his computer at about 3:00 in the morning. So, you'd have to drive, according to our accounts, pretty, darn fast, to get from that particular spot, near the racquet club, back to the Kalpoe brothers' home, turn on your computer and get online into a chat room at 3:00 in the morning.

KING: Before we talk to the parents, why so late? Why didn't he come forward sooner?

CANDIOTTI: Well, he is not saying exactly why. But we do know this; there is concern by some of the witnesses who have come forward, about certain ramifications that would happen. We do know that three witnesses that have come forward, for example, remember the young man who worked on the party boat, the disc jockey? He was fired from his job after coming forward. We also know that the Kalpoes' mother was fired from her job after her sons were released. And also, the security guards were fired after their involvement became known. So we don't know why, but we put that out there.

KING: All right. Let's get reaction to this part of the story from Natalee Holloway's mother. Beth Holloway Twitty is with her husband, Natalee's stepfather in Aruba.

Beth, anything happening that encourages you at all to get some answer?

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY'S MOTHER: Oh, absolutely. You know I think Jug and I are both thinking this week, you know, a lot of good things have been set into motion, from, you know, the FBI, now, beginning to have access to -- from declarations to audio and videotapes. You know of course this witness coming forward now. I mean that's encouraging. I know now they'll probably be spending a lot of time just making sure how incredible his story is.

And I mean I think there are several good things that have been set into motion. Of course the reward that we've been able to increase for a safe return. So you know we're just optimistic that, you know, maybe we'll have a break this week.

KING: What is the reward, now, Beth?

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Well, now, it's $1 million for her safe return, then, $100,000 for her whereabouts.

KING: Jug, you're the step-father of Natalee. Are you encouraged as your wife by at least getting close to closure?

JUG TWITTY, STEPFATHER OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY: Larry, I'm a lot more encouraged today -- that I got back on the island yesterday around 3:30 and I could already tell things were really starting to move. You mentioned earlier that -- the lady you had on there that they had this new witness. That statement was actually taken last Friday not Sunday. But I could tell as soon as I got there that things were happening. We were talking to the FBI today. I could tell that things are really moving. And I just hope and pray that, you know, we can get some answers. You know it could happen tomorrow. It could happen, you know, Wednesday, but I think we're getting a lot closer.

KING: We'll be checking in a moment with T.J. Ward, the private investigator, hired by the family but let's get Dave Holloway's reaction. He's in Meridian, Mississippi and he is Natalee's father. What's your read, Dave?

DAVE HOLLOWAY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY'S FATHER: Well, Jug echoed everything new that develops that kind of brings the case closer and closer to resolution. And someone had mentioned earlier on the last show, that, you know, what good is this gardener? Well, at least he's a witness and maybe he has some information that will help us narrow down the timeline and hopefully find the haystack. And if we can find the haystack, we can find the needle.

KING: Robin, is it getting exasperating?

ROBIN HOLLOWAY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY'S STEPMOTHER: I never dreamed it would be seven days later. Every day we wake up, we pray please let today be the day we have the answers. And here we are six, seven days later and at least -- we're so relieved that the FBI is involved now. And you know we're getting closer. It's just frustrating it's taking so long, though.

KING: It's not a big island, Dave. Doesn't it boggle your mind? Doesn't -- isn't there thoughts that maybe she is somewhere else?

D. HOLLOWAY: Well, that's the thread of hope and a miracle that I'm holding on to, you know, maybe she is somewhere else. But the FBI and the police have indicated to us, over a month ago, that they're looking into this case as a murder case. And as a parent -- and I know Beth and jug probably hope that maybe there's a miracle out there and that she is off the island somewhere. But the police indicate that that's probably not a reality.

KING: We'll take a break. When we come back, we'll get the thoughts of T.J. Ward, the private investigator hired by the Holloway- Twitty families, president and CEO of Investigative Consultants International. We'll also be including your phone calls. Don't go away.


MARSHA TWITTY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY'S AUNT: They're just typical, high school girls.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Out on the beach.

M. TWITTY: Out on the beach, having a good time on their senior trip. There's nothing unusual. Thousands and thousands of kids go on senior trips every summer and they should. I mean these are -- these kids are growing up.


KING: Again, we will be including your phone calls. T.J. Ward joins us from Aruba, the private investigator hired by the families.

All right, what do you make of these -- this witness story? And I understand you even have another witness story.

T.J. WARD, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR: Yes, thank you, Larry. This has been a very challenging case, not only having to create our own investigation, not being able to deal directly with law enforcement here in Aruba, but we've followed up, from the information that we gathered on Friday, from the witness that was found in the Aruba Racquet Ball Club. And I went door-to-door today in the racquet ball club and was able to locate another witness, who described the vehicle in question, owned by the Kalpoe boys, and they were able to tell me and describe, clearly, the car in question, being in the area and in the racquet club, around the homes, about six weeks ago, which was estimate somewhere after the 29th and 30th of May.

After she gave me a description, I went and obtained a picture of the car that was obtained by law enforcement, on the 29th of May and 30th, and brought the picture back to her. And she was able to describe the car to a "t." And what was interesting that stuck out was the taillights -- who had custom taillights on it with clear covers over red lights. And not only did she describe those taillights, but she described it all the way down to the wheels of the silver Honda Accord, which very may well be the vehicle in question, being belonged to (INAUDIBLE).

I just find it very interesting the car being in the neighborhood. This lady -- the subdivision is -- it's kind of remote right now. It's still under construction. And she's one of the few people that live there. And she was at home this night, along with her daughter and she heard, and monitoring traffic coming in and out of the subdivision, being under construction, and was able to get a good glimpse of this car and give us a good description today, which I took this information -- after getting a detailed description, and took it to the Aruban authorities and the FBI.

KING: And what do you surmise from it? WARD: Well, what I believe is if something was placed or Natalee was in that area on the 29th into the 30th, they may have been back looking for something that they may have left or some evidence they may have left, or looking for things that they -- could lead directly to Natalee.

KING: Do you agree, as they're saying, that this is a murder case, T.J.?

WARD: I would say that this case now, being the FBI is on board, this is going to be treated as a murder case and the evidence is going to be gathered in the fashion a murder case would, and prepare -- and in fact, if it is a murder case, and prepare the evidence accordingly to go forth with a trial, if necessary.

As you're well aware, that the evidence from the beginning of this investigation was not taken: the DNA, the search warrants issued, the vehicles taken into custody, the information and the clothing from the suspects were not taken as they normally are in a police investigation that we're used to in the United States. We were hampered here. And not only with that information not being available, for us to come down here and not be able to deal with the police one on one, or directly, or to get any evidence that they may have, we -- you know we're hampered on this thing from the beginning. But we have found information from people that know -- have direct knowledge of this investigation, and we're continuing to follow up and gather information accordingly.

KING: Do you chalk it up to the limited experience of Aruban police?

WARD: I think they're probably experienced in their own capacity. And I don't think they're operating in the 21st century. And -- but I think they're highly-trained. I mean their police academy and all is even more complex and compatible than what we're used to in the U.S. So I don't believe it's the training. I think there's just this investigation got hampered by somewhat, I might say, political motivation, by the police chief that was involved. And I find it very strange that there was probably a major conflict of interest, where people should have stepped down and stepped out of the way, when this case began.

KING: Beth Twitty, are you a little concerned that the reward of $1 million could also bring out scam artists?

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Well, I'm sure that they're going to have a peak in calls. And you know once we made that public notice today, I've kind of given a -- you know informed the FBI that, you know, it was about to be set into place, and of course, they knew about it prior. But I just wanted to make sure they knew first-hand that I was going to be disclosing it today. And you know I think that's probably something that they're all prepared to handle with, you know, a peak in calls. And I'm sure they'll be able to weed out which ones are valid and not.

KING: Jug, is it true there rumors in recent weeks that Natalee might be in Venezuela or some place else?

J. TWITTY: Absolutely. I get those rumors every day. You can go on the Internet. You can -- you know we get calls every day at my house and in the hotel room. And Larry, that's one of the reasons that we went forward with the $1 million reward because, you know if she is out there, and if she is alive, and if she is in, you know, Peru or Venezuela or wherever, you know, hopefully somebody will come forward, you know, and let us know that. If not, then we can direct our attention into other places.

KING: Wouldn't that be joyous? We'll take a break and come back and your phone calls shortly. We'll get into the -- what's the latest on the duct tape and the hairs that Susan Candiotti get us up to date on that and your phone calls on this edition of LARRY KING LIVE. Don't go away.


HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Natalee, you can reach me on your cell phone. I have it and it's set up for international use now. And I will stay here until I find you, Natalee.

We are just doing everything we possibly can in helping to, you know, further the search for Natalee.


KING: We'll be going to your calls shortly.

Sandy -- Susan Candiotti, what's the latest on the Netherlands work on the hairs and the duct tape?

CANDIOTTI: Well, just to remind -- for everybody in a recap where that stands: remember both the Dutch have a sample and they're analyzing a piece of duct tape with some hair that was found on it, four strands, we were told, but also the authorities provided a sample of this to the FBI. And a sample was hand-carried to the FBI's lab at Quantico, Virginia. So they are also taking a look at it. Haven't heard anything from the Dutch authorities. There are all these rumors afloat out there, but nothing, according to Aruban authorities about what's happening in the Netherlands.

As far as the FBI goes, also, the FBI tells us they are not placing any kind of artificial deadline on how long this will take. Since they received their sample last week -- I know they spent at least a day -- at least a day, figuring out what method they were going to use to look at this tape, and look to see what's on it -- hair, any other body tissue, anything else that might be on it and then compare it against DNA samples that they have received from Natalee, from her mother, which would match Natalee, from Joran Van Der Sloot and from the Kalpoe brothers to see if there is a match -- Larry.

KING: In a perverse sense, Dave Holloway, do you want that to be your daughter's hair?

D. HOLLOWAY: Well, if it was my daughter's hair, then that would cut the only last thread of hope that we have that she was alive. So...

KING: You hope it's not?

D. HOLLOWAY: I hope it's not.

KING: You, too, robin, right?

R. HOLLOWAY: Oh, yes. I mean if it -- that would mean the worst if that's hers. We -- you know we hope it's not.

D. HOLLOWAY: But Larry, we have to face that. If God gives us this clue and that's what it, is then that's what we'll have to deal with.

KING: T.J., you have something called layered voice analysis and you've tested out people involved in this. What does that do?

WARD: The layer voice analysis, well, we consider it a 21st- century polygraph. It's a little bit different. The polygraph, where you're -- as you're aware, you have to be wired up to and it measures blood pressure, and heart rate and pulse and so on and so forth. Our system, layered voice analysis, measures the voice. And I can take any conversation, whether it be live, from TV, from a media tape, from an audiotape, a deposition, and I can analyze that and I can tell you not only if you're telling the truth but if you're hiding something.

KING: Without hooking me up to a machine?

WARD: Don't have to hook you up to anything. I can do it over the phone. And I can tell you whether you're being dishonest or you're thinking from your memory or your imagination, or if you're -- or if you're just not telling the truth or whatever.

KING: Have you used it with anyone here? Have you used it in Aruba?

WARD: Well, we brought it in Aruba about three weeks ago and we shared it with the law enforcement, and we shared it with the Aruban government, and gave demonstrations. And they were very pleased with it but the prosecutor was afraid this would jeopardize her position on her case. But we were able to analyze some tapes of some of the individuals directly involved in this and not directly involved.

KING: And?

WARD: And we have gotten some reactions. We've gotten some reactions. It's given us some answers. We're keeping this information that we found kind of on the lid right now to be able to use it later on.

KING: And let's go to some calls. Hagerstown, Maryland, hello?

CALLER: Hi, Larry. My question is after two months, why are these witnesses just now coming out of the woodwork?

KING: Do you have a thought as to why, T.J.?

WARD: Well, there's been -- this case has been hampered and it's been in another direction. If you'll recall, we went first, to the security guards, who -- which I believe, and from information that I received, the law enforcement here knew that these people had alibis a few hours after they got taken into custody. And if you'll remember that they were kept into custody for 13 days, when they should have been released and they should have focused their direction on other things that are now coming down the woodwork.

We know that Joran Van Der Sloot is a suspect and a high-priority suspect in this case. That's why they're keeping him still in jail. The Kalpoe brothers that got let out of jail, and I think was by mistake, I think will probably be rearrested after the information that stands -- that flows now, and with the FBI being --- assisting the Aruban government will come and prevail here later.

KING: But the thought was, Beth, I think, that the witnesses came forward late because other witnesses lost their jobs, right?

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Well, you know, my take on that is, you know, I think everyone is -- you know you're just -- you're so afraid to disclose something or come forward and you know, maybe they just had to have a certain assurance or trust level before they decided to come forward. I mean I'm not going to penalize them for, you know, holding that for two months.

I'm thinking that, you know, like T.J. was saying, of course, you know, we were looking at the two security guards for a long time. I mean you know Joran, and Deepak and Satish weren't even arrested until the 9th. And then I really don't even know where it was going at that point. So maybe there's just a comfort level that certain individuals had to come to before they could come forward.

KING: Lancaster, Pennsylvania, hello?

CALLER: Hi, Larry.


CALLER: Where is the $1 million reward money coming from? And also what will happen to the $1 million if Natalee is not safely returned?

KING: Beth?

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Well, the money is coming from a group of supporters, a group of friends. And, you know -- the money will be brought forward when we have Natalee safely in our arms.

KING: Yes, well, there's...

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Should we not, you know...

KING: You're not going to give it out...

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Go ahead, Larry.

KING: ...if she's not found. And obviously...


KING: ...the money will...


KING: ...remain with whoever has put it up or be returned to people if it was donated. And if you have information leading to what might be tragically, the death of Natalee, that's $100,000, right?

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Well, now, the $100,000 is just for the whereabouts of Natalee.

KING: Just the whereabouts?

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: ...they know where she is. Exactly, if somebody know -- maybe -- may know where she's being held and may be not able to physically -- to get her or to return her. So I mean, you know, it's just leading to the whereabouts of Natalee, is how we're looking at.

KING: We'll take a break, and when we come back, a lot more phone calls. And also, we'll ask why there doesn't appear to be, on the part of the family, more anger over the way this has been handled. Maybe I'm reading it wrong. You're watching LARRY KING LIVE and we'll be right back. Don't go away.

KING: We're back. Let's reintroduce the grouping and get some opinions and more calls. In Aruba is Beth Holloway Twitty. She's Natalee Holloway's mother and Jug Twitty, Natalee's stepfather. In Meridian, Mississippi is Dave Holloway, Natalee's father, and Robin Holloway, Natalee's stepmother. And these families are friendly. In Aruba is T.J. Ward, private investigator hired by the Holloway-Twitty families, president and CEO of investigative consultants international. And in Miami, is Susan Candiotti, CNN correspondent who has been covering the Natalee Holloway case. Beth and Jug, we'll start with you Beth, why aren't you angrier at authorities? At the way this has been handled?

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: You know, Larry, I think everyone knows that I've kept a journal since day one, and If I were to go back and list things that I wanted to happen -- and I think you know the things that I wanted to happen. You know, I was sitting in the backseat of a car at 4:00 a.m., on the 30th, and I was waiting on search warrants, Larry. I was waiting on the car to be impounded. I mean, I was already thinking in those terms, forensics to be done from the car on the 31st. You know, looking at video footage, and confirming that Deepak and Satish and Joran had had lied to us, had lied to Jug and I, to her family, that they had dropped her off at the Holiday Inn, and led us on that trail. And the authorities were allowing them to -- obstruction of justice, and lying to authorities. I mean, yes, there's a long list from that, Larry, it's a long list.

KING: Jug, are you angry?

J. TWITTY: I've been there. I've been there several times. I'm probably -- everybody asks, if Beth's good cop, I'm bad cop, because I've had several instances where I just have gone ballistic. And I try to just keep my cool. And I've had several conversations with Van Der Straaten, and everybody knows that Van Der Straaten do not see eye-to-eye, because from the beginning we just -- I just didn't believe that they were doing enough. That's why I'm so excited about the new team that's in there. And I can already tell, being here a day and a half, that some new things were happening. I don't -- I mean, I can't go back to the beginning again. But yes, I've been very frustrated.

KING: Robin Holloway, have you been?

R. HOLLOWAY: What's been frustrating is the first critical ten days. And you can't change that. You can't bring that time back. But, you know, so much is happening now. And, yes. We still don't have Natalee, but we're pleased with the way the investigation's going now. And we just hope to get our answer soon.

KING: And Dave?

D. HOLLOWAY: I've held a lot back, Larry, for sure. And, you know, you just got to keep your dignity and composure, and keep on going. You know, we've come a long ways. And a lot of people are involved. I don't think we'd be here, where we're at now, if we would have blown up and caused a stir up front.

KING: Warrior, Alabama, hello.

CALLER: Hi, Larry.


CALLER: I've got a question. I'd like to know if the FBI is going to get to interrogate the Van Der Sloots and the Kalpoe brothers?

KING: T.J., do you know?

WARD: No. They cannot. The letter that was handed down by the administrative justice and the Holland government says that the FBI can monitor and oversee the investigation and give the authority to direct what needs to be done. But they cannot get directly involved in the case.

KING: Because of -- that's Aruban case?

WARD: Yes. The Aruban authorities have the run on this case. And the FBI here is to oversee and monitor what evidence is taken. And give them direction on what to do in this case. That's the only authority that they have. They will have no authority to sit down and interview. Now I'm sure they'll be able to monitor if there are future interrogations, they will be able to do that. But it's my understanding through the letter of the law that was brought down, and the joint efforts between the United States and the Holland and the Aruban government, the FBI will just monitor what transpires.

KING: And Joran Van Der Sloot's attorney, we understand, has filed motions relating to their involvement. He doesn't want them to have access to anything.

WARD: Well that's kind of interesting, also. Because if these defendants or suspects, we'll still call them, don't have anything to hide, then I don't know why he's going through the motion and trying to keep the FBI out from bringing their expertise in here to assist the Aruban government.

KING: Because the prime minister wants them more involved.

WARD: That's exactly right.

KING: To Elaine, Arkansas, hello.

CALLER: Hello. I'd like to know if the new and unfinished housing development that the lady said she saw this car going around three times, and noticed it specifically, has been thoroughly searched by the Aruban government, et cetera.

KING: Beth, do you know?

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: No. I can't answer that, Larry.

KING: Do you know, Jug?

J. TWITTY: I know it's been searched early on. I mean, they searched the racquet club, and that's what she's speaking about, but they searched that early on. And then, all of a sudden, it resurfaced big-time, yesterday. So, I don't know. You know, one of the things that bothered me a little bit was when Tim Miller and his search group were here. They probably knew some places that he could have looked a little bit harder. And I don't think they sent him there.

KING: Dave, what do you think?

D. HOLLOWAY: The dogs went through it. In fact, I spoke with Tim earlier today, and he's going to bring another dog back to search it again.

KING: T.J. Ward, shouldn't they search that exhaustively?

WARD: Well, I believe they did. I wasn't here. This is new evidence. And I know today that the FBI, along with the Aruban government, were flying helicopters over the area. And I know that the FBI took my reports that I gave them today, and were going to follow up with the lady that give us the information today. And I'm sure that will be followed up thoroughly, beings the FBI is going to oversee this investigation. KING: Susan, we're not giving sources away. Have any of the FBI agents expressed to you any of their own thoughts about this?

CANDIOTTI: Privately, there is frustration about the inability to be as involved as they would have liked to have been. But we can tell you certainly on the record, that there is some daylight there now. You remember last week, that there was a meeting between the head of the Miami FBI office and -- who flew down to Aruba to meet with law enforcement down there, people who were in charge, the prime minister was also there, and that's what led to this letter, apparently, from the prime minister, asking that the FBI be more involved. And in fact, they are.

As a matter of fact, just the other day, over the weekend, a contingent, a team from Aruba, flew to FBI offices in -- at Quantico, Virginia, and they brought with them materials, videotapes, audiotapes, of witness statements and the like, and now, those are -- to discuss those with the FBI. So they could go over some of these materials, as the FBI, for example, had asked to do. Now, some of that, presumably, will be happening now.

KING: We'll take a break, and back with more phone calls. Don't go away.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She's the most responsible, smart, beautiful, incredible friend that I've ever known.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was a little bit more outgoing than everybody else. She was just always the fun one to be around. She was always laughing and having a good time.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She's a strong girl, and she'll get through this. And she knows that we're all praying for her.


KING: We're back. Westport, Massachusetts, hello.

CALLER: Hi, Larry.


CALLER: First of all, I want to tell the Holloways that my prayers are with them and for Natalee and also my question is: Shortly after her e disappearance, did they think of checking the dumpsters at the hotel and the dump where they dump all the food and all that?

KING: Beth?

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Larry, I'll have to address that one to maybe to Jug. I'm not sure. J. TWITTY: We asked the police if they would check the dumpsters, the landfills, the -- you know, and all I can tell you, Larry and to the caller is that we asked the questions and we felt like early on in the investigation, all this was being done. Now, whether it was really done early on in the investigation, I don't know.

KING: Dave, are you amazed at the worldwide reaction to this?

D. HOLLOWAY: Very much so, Larry. It gets me every time I watch TV and see that it's on, you know, every hour and it's just amazing how, you know, the attention that it's brought.

KING: How do you explain it, Robin? Do you think it's other parents thinking about their high school kid going off somewhere?

R. HOLLOWAY: I think the whole world has just fallen in love with Natalee. This could be anybody's daughter and just unfortunately, this is our Natalee. But this could be anybody's nightmare and I think people relate to that.

KING: Monument, Ohio. Hello.

CALLER: Larry, Hi. I wanted to ask: Have they thought about using psychics to help find Natalee?

KING: Have you thought about that, Beth?

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: You know, Larry, not only have we thought about it, we've had some wonderful individuals that have actually flown them out here on the island and they've spent days and just have not been successful. So, we have tried.

KING: Jug, do tourists talk about this a lot?

J. TWITTY: The tourists that are here on the island, you know, we have these orange bracelets like this that my daughter had made up and you would not believe -- I mean, when Beth and I walk through the lobby of anywhere they're all coming up and you know, they want to, you know, give us their thoughts and hug us and hug Beth. Yes. They're all very, very concerned about it. You know, they want to try to help find Natalee. Everybody here is concerned about it.

KING: T.J., if a hurricane were to hit, what would that do to the search? Might it help in a way?

WARD: Well, it might. It might disturb the water enough to turn it over if she is in the ocean. And in some of those lakes and ponds. It may help and I think early on a couple of weeks ago, there was a part -- a hurricane hit the back of the island or whatever. But -- and I think it did disturb the water. That may have been the reason that the duct tape came about. We don't know.

KING: Cincinnati, Ohio. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Larry. My question is for Natalee's mom. KING: Yes.

CALLER: Very early on in the case, there was an alleged murder confession from one of the suspects that mysteriously changed to a "something bad happened to her." Why has that dropped off the map and why has nobody pursued that "something bad happened to Natalee?"

KING: Beth?

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Well, you know, that's what I'm hoping that the FBI will be -- they will have access to the early declarations. Those ones -- those ones that were taken on June 9th. Surely they were taken around 8:00 -8:30 a.m. and probably continued to take them from the individuals throughout the day. So, you know, we'll just have to wait and see what was on that declaration. I don't think that -- of course, obviously, we don't know what was on that declaration.

KING: T.J., you -- how you would you put -- are you confident that you're going to get an answer or not?

WARD: Well, I mean we're working very hard at it. From the very beginning, I mean -- we have no access to what law enforcement has. So, the information that we're gathering is from the people, from witnesses we know that haven't been interviewed. And like today, knocking on door-to-door, finding out information and where we were, we did end up coming up with somebody that saw a car that we were interested in.

KING: Susan Candiotti, reportorially, do you think you're getting close?

CANDIOTTI: Well, that's really hard to say. This has been so difficult for the -- for everybody involved. In particular, obviously, for the families, but in terms or, for example, the alleged confession, I can tell you according to sources, that they have no information about any kind of confession.

Now, maybe as Mrs. Holloway -- as Beth has said, perhaps now that more of the early statements the FBI might be getting access to, might be able to finally put that to bed, one way or the other, whether that's actually happened.

KING: I know that Beth and Jug have to leave us. They've had a long day. Beth, you have, as you know, our best wishes. We hope that something breaks in this. The best news, of course, is that somewhere she is around.

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Absolutely. And Larry thank you so much and all the supporters, they are absolutely incredible, Larry. Absolutely. Every one of them, are amazingly supportive. So --

KING: And Jug, thank you very much.

J. TWITTY: Thank you. And thank everybody, like Beth says. The phone doesn't stop ringing. The cards and letters don't stop coming. So, you know, America, the world is helping us find Natalee and you know -- Beth.


KING: Thank you both very much. We'll be back with Dave and Robin, T.J. Ward and Susan Candiotti and more phone calls right after this.

KING: Dave, before we take our next call, I know you're in Mississippi, but the Alabama Legislature has passed a resolution urging Alabamans to boycott Aruba until Natalee's case is resolved. What are your thoughts on that?

D. HOLLOWAY: Yes. Well, I read about that Saturday and you know, I really don't have any comment about it. You know, I just -- I don't have any comment about it.

KING: Robin, do you?

R. HOLLOWAY: I -- at this point, I don't think they should do that. They're being cooperative. They're sharing information with the FBI. I mean, they want this case solved as bad -- well, almost as bad as we do. But I mean, right now, we're gracious with the information they are sharing with the FBI. I disagree with that at this time.

D. HOLLOWAY: Larry, I...

KING: Dallas, Texas -- I'm sorry, Dave. Go ahead.

D. HOLLOWAY: I just took a liking to the local people there and I know that, you know, they have jobs and stuff in the hotels. I would just hate to see that a hard-working person lose their job because of tourism.

KING: Why economically damage them for something they didn't do?


KING: Dallas. Hello? Are you there, Dallas?

CALLER: I'm here.

KING: Go ahead.

CALLER: As a teacher who chaperons students on trips, I'm curious as to where the chaperons were when Natalee left the bar with these strange men. It seems to me a bed check at even 2:00 a.m. or 3:00 a.m., could have gained some precious hours in beginning the search for her.

KING: Dave?

D. HOLLOWAY: Larry, when I came on to the island, I didn't get involved in any areas regarding the chaperons or anything like that. I focused my efforts on the search are and that question would be best answered by Beth, because I don't know. I didn't know any of the chaperons. I didn't know how many were there or anything like that. Those are answers we can get to, you know, after this is over with.

KING: Is it puzzling to you, T.J.?

WARD: No. I don't know where the chaperons were. I mean, that is a little surprising to say, but I guess to give the kids that just went 12 years of school, just give them a little leeway, to, you know, be by themselves and enjoy themselves and not have to be monitored as they have been for the last 12 years. And you know, it's unfortunate that something like this happened.

KING: Susan, what do you think?

CANDIOTTI: Well, that's tough. Of course, that's -- all those questions would have to be asked and answered by the people who were there on the trip. Clearly, no one feels good about what happened. And the young people that were there, after this happened, have told our Karl Penhaul that when she left, she appeared to be in OK shape and said that she would be all right. Are people asking themselves questions about what happened that night and what they could have done differently? I'm sure they are.

KING: Shreveport, Louisiana, hello.

CALLER: Yes, I'd like to know how the families of Natalee Holloway are affording to stay in Aruba waiting on their daughter to be located? And do they have any sort of a fund set up to help financially for this sort of thing?

KING: Dave, do you know?

D. HOLLOWAY: We do. We've got a couple of funds set up here in Meridian, with Crossmark (ph) bank and then also in Birmingham, (INAUDIBLE) bank. You know, private donations has helped us keep efforts to stay in Aruba and to continue our search.

KING: Beth has been there from the get-go, right?


KING: She has never left?

D. HOLLOWAY: She has never left, no.

KING: We'll take a break and come back with more phone calls for Dave Holloway, Robin Holloway, T.J. Ward and Susan Candiotti. Don't go away.

KING: East Windsor, New Jersey, hello.



CALLER: I'm just curious. I've been watching this from the beginning. And I work in a school. And I'm just curious as to why they've never shown anything about -- they show about Aruba, but they never show anything about where you live, the school, the principal, the chaperons, the friends. They never show anything about the investigation in America, just Aruba. And I'm curious as to why they don't do that.

KING: Dave, do you think there should be some aspect investigated in America, that this might have been done by another student, someone other than an Aruban?

D. HOLLOWAY: Well, I think the FBI has already looked into that, and interviewed a number of students in the group of students that were with Natalee. And I think they pretty much ruled that out.

KING: T.J. Ward, what about this Joran Van Der Sloot? He's being held. What do you make of that whole aspect, and his father, the judge?

WARD: Well, he's being held, because I believe they have some evidence. My understanding under Aruban law, that, at the very most, they've got kidnapping on him, because Aruban law says if you leave an establishment and the party that you're with disappears or whatever, then you're subject to kidnapping. And not only the -- the -- what the ongoing investigation, I'm just surprised right now why he hasn't even been formally charged yet.

KING: Dave, how are Natalee's teenage brothers doing? How are the siblings? How is the rest of the family?

D. HOLLOWAY: Well, Matt, he's doing fine. In fact, he's been to Aruba two or three times since this incident happened. And he went to church camp a couple of weeks ago. In fact, he is heading -- or he's in -- at his grandmother's house now.

The other two girls, our two girls, Caitland (ph) and -- excuse me...

R. HOLLOWAY: Brooke (ph).

D. HOLLOWAY: Caitland (ph) and Brooke (ph), they've had a tough time with it, just simply from the fact that daddy and mom's gone, and coming back and forth. They tend to watch the door pretty close. And, you know, that's tough on us.

KING: Can only imagine.

Naperville, Illinois, hello.

CALLER: My question is, why don't they get on to that father's property and check his property? And check for the well that's supposedly on there, and just check his property. Why can't they get a search warrant and go on to the father's property?


WARD: Well, you have to understand what's going on here. As I said from the beginning, there's quite a bit of politics going on here. Paul Van Der Sloot and Van Der Straaten are very, very good friends, and from the beginning of this investigation, it's been completely hampered. When Equusearch was here and went over to search on the property, they were instructed what they could search and what they couldn't search. So that's just one thing that goes to show you.

You know, just thank goodness right now that the FBI's here, the integrity of the investigation is going to improve 110 percent. And whatever actions that the Aruban law enforcement takes now, they're going to be accountable for, because the FBI's going to be overseeing what transpires in the course of this investigation.

KING: Susan, what Americans have to understand is, this ain't the United States.

CANDIOTTI: That's right. The FBI has to play by the Arubans' rules down there, and they have been down there in the role of an observer since almost the beginning. They have been allowed to watch interrogations. But they haven't been able to initiate, according to the rules down there -- and it wouldn't have if the tables were reversed, it couldn't work that way here -- but they haven't been able to initiate searches or go in as searches are being conducted. But there have been searches on that property, I want to make that clear.

KING: Isn't it amazing, Dave, that apparently interest on the part of the media has not waned?

D. HOLLOWAY: It is. You know, if it hasn't been for the media, I'll say this, Larry, this thing may have been swept right under the table, and we would have been back home making telephone calls every week. I commend the media for sticking with us.

KING: T.J., how long are you going to stay there?

WARD: Until we find Natalee Holloway.

KING: You're not going back?

WARD: Oh, I'm going back and forth. Matter of fact, Larry, I'm leaving tomorrow, to go back to Atlanta for about four days. I will be returning on Sunday and staying for another week.

I have an associate that will be returning with me sometime within the next 10 days, who's a retired FBI agent out of Miami, and has a very close relationship with the FBI agents here that are in position now.

KING: Thank you all very much. We thank Beth and Jug Twitty for being with us earlier. Dave Holloway, Robin Holloway, T.J. Ward and Susan Candiotti.

647 posted on 07/26/2005 7:30:32 AM PDT by TexKat (Just because you did not see it or read it, that does not mean it did or did not happen.)
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