Just checked DU. They don't like his haircut. They'll be shut down tomorrow night for maintenance.
Here's another post one of them made:
"Honestly, Bush will appoint someone. And eventually, one will get confirmed. So who did we expect?
"We know he will appoint a conservative. We know we're going to get someone on the court whom we will disagree with on several key issues.
"Roberts is anti-abortion, anti-affirmative action, and anti-environmentalist. Still, I wonder if we should just take what we can get. He's no Ashcroft at least...
"The confirmation hearing should be nasty, definitely. I want this guy dragged over the fucking coals in front of the nation. But the sad fact is that he will eventually be confirmed. But we might as well air his dirty laundry to the nation so the public will see how little the Republicans care for their opinions.
"My choice: pick our battles. I want Rove to stay in the spotlight. I want the disaster in Iraq to stay in the spotlight. I don't want the headlines turning from those issues into story after story about "obstructionist" Democrats."
That is really all that the Rove flareup is about,,,,just keep the public confused .