That's a great article about Greta. I'm glad to see her getting the credit she deserves. I read her blog every day, and find it fascinating to get an insider's view of how her program develops; how she overcomes the glitches; and the hunorous things that happen in her travels.
I was not a big Greta fan, but her log really humanizes her and someone who can be that open, warts and all, about herself and her work for FOX is a really fine person in my book.
And people who ONLY want politics on the news are a little one-sided. My opinion of stories like these is that the world is now our Town Square. Beth is One of Us, could be any of us. Or Natalee could be any of us at 18. We DO care about our fellow humans and we crave justice. We follow the story because we care about real individuals in trouble.