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Natalee Holloway - Case Discussion Extended Thread 8
Various News Outlets | 7/19/05

Posted on 07/19/2005 10:21:13 AM PDT by TexKat

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To: TAquinas

Hey T. , when are you gonna sing some Ricky Martin for us? ..... " She Bangs, She Bangs, She Bangs Oh Baby ......"

141 posted on 07/19/2005 1:06:27 PM PDT by MAWG (Diversity is where everyone looks different but thinks the same way.)
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To: penowa; cherry
Cherry, penowa said precisely what I was thinking..


142 posted on 07/19/2005 1:08:04 PM PDT by spectre (Spectre's wife)
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To: the Deejay
'Scarborough Country' for July 18

JOE SCARBOROUGH, HOST: Tonight‘s top headline: There is a new clue in Aruba that could be the answer Natalee‘s family has been waiting for.

Four strands of hair now being analyzed by Dutch authorities and the FBI, could they break open the mystery of Natalee Holloway‘s disappearance? Plus, this dramatic encounter between Natalee‘s dad and the parents of prime suspect Joran Van Der Sloot. We‘re live in Aruba. And we are going to have all the details.

SCARBOROUGH: This is a remarkable story. Good evening.

You know, it has been seven weeks since Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway disappeared from her high school trip in Aruba. Now there is what some are calling a potentially major find in this case.

Let‘s go live to Aruba right now and talk to NBC News‘s Michelle Kosinski.

Michelle, good evening.


SCARBOROUGH: Talk about the latest developments in Natalee‘s case.

MICHELLE KOSINSKI, NBC CORRESPONDENT: Well, we know investigators here and in the states are testing strands of hair found on a piece of duct tape in a national park by the park ranger. He said he saw it in a cove by the water.

When he looked at it, it had four strands on it, two of them blonde and two a bit darker. Usually, he said he would throw something like this away. But, in this case, given what has been going on, on this island for weeks, he just couldn‘t ignore it this time.

SCARBOROUGH: You know, there is—there is actually, also, some reports coming in. You were talking about—or, we talked about at the top a meeting this weekend between the prime suspect‘s father and Natalee‘s father. What can you tell us about what went on?

KOSINSKI: It was really remarkable to see this happen, and it was completely unexpected.

Dave Holloway, Natalee‘s father, left the island this afternoon. But he said, before he left, he had one thing in mind that he wanted to do, given there is no sign of his daughter. He wanted to talk to the key suspect in her disappearance, Joran Van Der Sloot, face-to-face. So, he heads down to the jail, tries to gain access. And, as he is there, Joran‘s parents are coming out.

So, they meet. They clasp hands. And the whole time, they are holding hands and talking to each other. Dave Holloway told us that Joran‘s parents, actually, the mother wanted him to talk to their son and she said that Joran wanted to talk to him. But the father didn‘t want that to happen until after the investigation is over.

And he says that they started talking about their son‘s mental state, that he feels tortured. They said he hates himself, that he cries and that he feels stupid for leaving Natalee alone on the beach the morning she disappeared. But they say that he denies hurting her in any way. Dave Holloway also told us that Paulus Van Der Sloot, the father, denies ever telling any of these three suspects, no body, no case, and that he denies that anybody in his family had anything to do with Natalee‘s disappearance.

SCARBOROUGH: You know, I want to ask, if my staff can once again role those images, because, Michelle, while you were talking, we were seeing pictures of the meetings between the fathers. And it looks like—we saw hugs.

But, also, the father gave Joran‘s father, I understand, what, a Bible and “The Purpose-Driven Life,” gave him a couple of books.



KOSINSKI: Go ahead.

SCARBOROUGH: Go ahead. Tell us—no, tell us about that. KOSINSKI: Well, he brought the books with him, wasn‘t sure how that would go over. He brought three books, one of which is the Bible and “A Purpose-Driven Life.” Another is a book written by a spiritualist. And he offered these to the parents. And they willingly took them and thanked him.

And, at this point, Dave Holloway said, Paulus Van Der Sloot had broke down and cried. They hugged each other, as you saw. And then he offers them these books. And they said, well, Joran already has a Bible in jail and he has been reading it. But they accepted the other two books and said thank you very much.

And then these two families just walked their separate ways. But Dave Holloway did tell us, he is not done trying. He still wants to come back to this island and try once again. That would be the fourth time now to try to talk to Joran man-to-man, as he put it.


DAVE HOLLOWAY, FATHER OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY: The last word was, you got have to understand, this is my son, and I will do anything for my son. And with that, you know, my confidence level was not very high with him.


KOSINSKI: Of course, any bit of evidence that is presented, whatever it will come to, is very important to the Holloway family. They are really desperate for any clues in this case.

So, when this tape turns up with hairs on it, yes, that could be something significant. And that is why it is being tested as we speak.

SCARBOROUGH: All right, thanks so much, Michelle. We always—we always appreciate you coming on and getting us up-to-date in this case that so many Americans are following.

We really appreciate it.

I want to go now to Natalee‘s uncle, Paul Reynolds.

Paul, thanks a lot for being back with us today.

I‘ve got to ask, what is the family‘s reaction to this evidence found on the beach that actually could lead you all to at least give you some insight on what happened to Natalee?

PAUL REYNOLDS, UNCLE OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY: We are certainly very interested in the evidence, or finding out if it is evidence.

But we are not—we‘re not sure where it will lead us. But we want to follow up on every lead and every bit of information that we can find and see where it leads us. The main thing is that we are just very encouraged by the fact that people are still looking, and that the park ranger was looking, that he is thinking about it. And we have heard reports that tourists are still looking.

So, we are encouraged by—by the fact that everyone wants to find her and wants to find out what happened.

SCARBOROUGH: Have you talked to Beth recently, since they found this evidence?

REYNOLDS: I spoke to her this morning. And, you know, of course, she is also interested in it. We are anxious to find out, you know, what is determined after it has been researched and tested.

But we are trying to avoid all the highs and lows that we have experienced over the last seven weeks. We are trying to stay level-headed and focused on our objective. And that is finding out where Natalee is.

SCARBOROUGH: Boy, that has got to be so tough, having the ups and the downs and, again, finding yourself in this catch-22 position, where you want to know what happened to Natalee. But at the same time, when you open up a barrel, you certainly don‘t want to find Natalee inside of there dead.

And, in the case of the hair, obviously, if it‘s her hair on the duct tape, also, that is very bad news. But, again, at least there is possibly some closure there.

I have got to ask you a question. You know, you have been critical, as I have—I have been a lot more critical than you and just about anybody else following this case—about Dutch authorities, about Aruban authorities and how they have handled this case, how they have botched it, how I think that they have actually engaged in a cover-up.

Do you trust the Dutch authorities to handle this evidence carefully and to have a thorough investigation to see if it is in fact Natalee‘s hair on that duct tape?

REYNOLDS: Well, as we have talked about, we have had some concerns about the investigation.

You know, this—that has nothing to do with the Aruban people, who have been overwhelmingly gracious to us, who have helped in the searches. You know, I think the spirit of the island is a great force.

But we have been concerned about certain things in the investigation. But, you know, at this point, I‘m optimistic about some of the things I‘m seeing. We are seeing an increase in responsiveness. And we‘re hoping that what we see is a dedication towards resolving this case. And we are going to try to keep our hopes up and hope that we can make some progress here.

SCARBOROUGH: Well, I‘ll tell you what, Paul. That is great news tonight, hearing that you are feeling a little more positive tonight about the way the investigation is moving forward.

Obviously, we have all been greatly concerned. Thank you for being with us again tonight. Look forward to getting an update tomorrow with you.

Let‘s bring in now criminal defense attorney Larry Pozner and former FBI profiler Candice DeLong.

Candice, I want to start with you.

You know, I remember when the runaway bride got out of town, went to Vegas. We didn‘t know where she was going, but they found some hair cut in a parking lot. Remember, everybody just laughed when people were trying to tie that with her. It ended up—it ended up actually it was her hair. This obviously also is a long shot. But let‘s just assume—let‘s just assume this is her hair on the duct tape. What does that mean?

CANDICE DELONG, FORMER FBI PROFILER: Well, if that is her hair on the duct tape, and the police—well, one thing that occurred to me is that, possibly, if those hairs indicate that they were pulled out and they are on the duct tape, you know, as if the duct tape was being removed from her and got some of her hairs, that speaks to premeditation.

Someone brought duct tape with them to do whatever it was, whatever interaction they were going to have with her is one possibility. If the police can tie that duct tape to the suspect in any way, his home, his car or himself, case over.

SCARBOROUGH: I was just going ask—I was just going to actually ask you that, because, obviously, what the Dutch authorities, what the FBI are looking at right now, is, they are looking to see if this is Natalee‘s hair.

But if it is Natalee‘s hair, that really doesn‘t nail Van Der Sloot, doesn‘t nail the two Kalpoe brothers.


SCARBOROUGH: How do you tie the duct tape together with Van Der Sloot or the Kalpoe brothers?

DELONG: Well, it would be easy to do if, in their searches, they found duct tape in the car or the home or anything, anyplace where they were able to put any of the suspects. But let‘s not...


SCARBOROUGH: It is a fairly—obviously, it‘s a fairly common household—household possession that you have.


SCARBOROUGH: I mean, what—you do—what do you do, duct tape testing?


And duct tape can be—there‘s a variety of ways they can test it. If they find the original role, if they find other pieces of duct tape that match that type of duct tape that they found—whoever this forestry officer was that found on the beach. There is a variety of things they can do, not the least of which there may be there—you said there were two blonde hairs on the duct tape and two dark hairs. Who are the two dark hairs?

Are they able to—it is not an identical match, by the way, not like a fingerprint. The best they can say is similar, dissimilar, inconclusive. If they were to find a fingerprint on that duct tape belonging to any of the suspects, once again, case closed.


DELONG: And, like I said, that would speak to premeditation.

SCARBOROUGH: It is all over.

Candice, stay with me.

We are going to be bringing in Larry Pozner when we come back in just a minute, as we continue our conversation.

Also coming up, the Karl Rove controversy continues, with the president going on record today. We are going to be telling you all about that. But does this whole mess really hide the true story? I am going to give you the “Real Deal” on hypocrisy in Washington, not just from powerful politicians, but also from the media.

Also, did a T-ball coach try to injure one of his own disabled players? Wait until you hear why the police arrested him.

SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY is just getting started. Stick around. We‘ll be right back.


SCARBOROUGH: The political scandal of the summer? Maybe so. It‘s heating up. And her one-woman showing is opening on Broadway. Suzanne Somers is in SCARBOROUGH COUNTRY tonight.

We‘ll give you that and a lot more when we come back.


SCARBOROUGH: Volunteers continue to search for Natalee Holloway, now missing for seven weeks. Will some strands of hair be a potential break in the case?

I am back with a criminal defense attorney Larry Pozner and also former FBI profiler Candice DeLong.

Larry, let me go to you.

Let‘s talk about this tape. How significant could it be?

LARRY POZNER, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, this could be the most important thing in the case.

Clearly, the case has not come together or there would have been charges by now. So, let‘s assume the worst in one respect, that the tape verifies the hair of the missing woman. We have to presume at this point, seven weeks into it, that she is dead. Now, the question is, is somebody else‘s DNA on this tape? Can they tie the tape to a particular person?

If they can tie it to one of the suspects they currently have, then they are getting very close to a case. But until we know, first, is it her hair and can they tie it to a person, without the two things coming together, we are nowhere.

SCARBOROUGH: Larry, and, of course, what we have here is physical evidence, something that has been missing obviously over the past seven weeks. Without—without—without this sort of physical evidence, do they have a case against Van Der Sloot? In fact, would Van Der Sloot still be in jail were he in America instead of Aruba?

POZNER: No, Jim (sic).

If he were in America, undoubtedly, he would have been released now, released reluctantly, for sure, but released nonetheless. In America, we say, if you have it, file it. If you don‘t have it, we will give you a brief extension. But there comes a point where we say in America, look, you can‘t hold a citizen just willy-nilly, with no rules, until you—you are ready to charge him.

In America, clearly, this case would not have come together. He would be out right now.

SCARBOROUGH: Candice, let me ask you, what do seven weeks in the Aruban sun or the saltwater or the sand and the heat do to duct tape, do to hair, do to physical evidence? I mean, it has got to be—it has got to be in terrible shape by now. Can you get anything out of it seven weeks later?

DELONG: Sure, should be able to get quite a bit out of it. Of course, it would be degraded and soiled, but that doesn‘t mean it would beyond—be beyond redemption.

And I would like to clarify something that I said earlier about, they wouldn‘t be able to DNA-type the hair. They will if part of the hair follicle or root is still attached to the hair. And then that, it would be mitochondrial DNA testing. And it would show—for example, they did it in the Laci Peterson case and were able to say that the hair found in the boat, it was someone who was very likely the offspring of Sharon Rocha.

It is through the—it‘s a gene passed through the mother.


DELONG: But this happens all the time, where evidence is found very, very much after the fact and they are able to get quite a bit of good stuff from it.

SCARBOROUGH: All right, Candice, thanks so much. I appreciate you being with us, as always.

Candice DeLong and Larry Pozner, thanks a lot.

POZNER: Thank you.

143 posted on 07/19/2005 1:09:03 PM PDT by TexKat (Just because you did not see it or read it, that does not mean it did or did not happen.)
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To: Vn_survivor_67-68
Fuhrman's a good cop/detective.....he had OJ's azz in about 30 minutes.

You betcha he did! And he was spot-on right. He had oj's azz nailed long before anyone else made the connection.

Mark didn't go and hide in Idaho after the trial either. He made a name for himself w/his books and as a commentator. I highly repect and admire Mark. He can do things oj can never do.

144 posted on 07/19/2005 1:09:35 PM PDT by the Deejay (THE LADY DEEJAY)
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To: TAquinas
"I'm almost there"..



145 posted on 07/19/2005 1:12:41 PM PDT by spectre (Spectre's wife)
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To: the Deejay

Fuhrman is one tough , smart, experienced cop.I would love to see him go to Aruba.

146 posted on 07/19/2005 1:15:44 PM PDT by MAWG (Diversity is where everyone looks different but thinks the same way.)
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To: LYSandra

Actually, I didn't know she'd even given the
hairbrush to LE until yesterday.

So, when she gave it to them & got it back,
beyond me. Beth isn't always clear w/things.
Maybe the Aruban mentality/
thought process is getting to her.

147 posted on 07/19/2005 1:16:02 PM PDT by the Deejay (THE LADY DEEJAY)
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To: Former

Thank you for the information!!

I thought about this the other night when I saw the re-air of Beth giving bracelets out to people on the street. It would be a great way to make money here in the U.S. to help them. Kind of like the Lance Armstrong bracelets and others in Nascar racing are doing for charity.

I hope Beth knows that we here at FR have not forgotten her and continue to pray for them. I personally pray that Natalee can somehow reach out to let them know where she is and that they will be able to take her home.

148 posted on 07/19/2005 1:16:41 PM PDT by WestCoastGal (Jack erased my tagline, need a new one!! :))
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To: Vn_survivor_67-68

I will ask.. tried to call just now, but no answer.. I believe the answer to that is yes, but will find out.

Thanks for that question...

149 posted on 07/19/2005 1:18:29 PM PDT by Former
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Fuhrman is one tough , smart, experienced cop.I would love to see him go to Aruba.

Agree. So would I. I think we'd have more good info and answers in a week than we've had in 7 weeks. We just seem to get bits and bits here and there and hashing/rehashing the same old-same old.

150 posted on 07/19/2005 1:18:59 PM PDT by the Deejay (THE LADY DEEJAY)
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To: Li-Li; TexKat
"Why do you use such language to refer to another human being?"

Saying someone is acting like a foaming at the mouth Pit Bull isn't using foul language.

Fact is, Nancy Grace grabs hold of someone and won't let go till she chews them up and spits them out. A Pit Bull for sure.

I like Nancy when I agree with her, and when I disagree with her, I want to tell her to shut up.

Lighten up if you want to hunt with the big dogs..Li-Li.


151 posted on 07/19/2005 1:22:09 PM PDT by spectre (Spectre's wife)
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To: the Deejay
And what does that tell you? It tells me, they have a lot of faith in his opinions or they wouldn't be paying him the big buck$ and keep him on as a commentator.

It does not tell me what it tells you the Deejay.

Being a cable news personality does not say that you are a great anything. It tells me that you are gainfully employed. You are doing what you are getting paid for. As for Furhman on Fox News he gets paid for giving his opinion whether it is right or wrong.

152 posted on 07/19/2005 1:22:40 PM PDT by TexKat (Just because you did not see it or read it, that does not mean it did or did not happen.)
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To: TAquinas

Oh, come on, we know what you're really doing. You know that causes blindness.

153 posted on 07/19/2005 1:23:55 PM PDT by Malichi (!)
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To: the Deejay

I agree that the Twitty's should approach Mark F. and see if he'd take the case. Surely, someone with deep pockets would pay for it. They've already got a psychic who'se been there for some weeks.

154 posted on 07/19/2005 1:25:19 PM PDT by hershey
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To: truthluva

Isn't that sideways v sign some sort of up yours thing? Violent rapper rudeness, at any rate.

155 posted on 07/19/2005 1:26:21 PM PDT by hershey
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To: hershey

And a psychic who's no help.

Twittys are lookin' for help
in all the wrong places....
using a psychic.

Mark Klass told them from day one
"Do not get involved with psychics!
It's the worst thing one can do!"

He said when Polly was missing, there
were lots of psychics on the case and
all they did was screw the case and
sent them in all the wrong directions.

156 posted on 07/19/2005 1:31:42 PM PDT by the Deejay (THE LADY DEEJAY)
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To: hershey
They've already got a psychic who'se been there for some weeks.

That's unfortunate, if true.

157 posted on 07/19/2005 1:33:31 PM PDT by PBRSTREETGANG
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To: TexKat

Sadly, that's police procedure when someone is missing or murdered. The family is the first to be grilled, because more often than not, they had something to do with it, or it's somebody they know. Law of averages. However, with all the predatory pedophiles running around loose, that skews the statistics.

158 posted on 07/19/2005 1:33:42 PM PDT by hershey
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To: hershey

I have no idea. (I'm sorta out of the rapper loop) I just know I have seen a lot of pics of Joran & Friends using that sign. Could be just a teenage thing.

159 posted on 07/19/2005 1:34:29 PM PDT by truthluva ("Courage is doing the right thing even when no one is looking" - JC Watts)
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To: spectre
"Hey Chief...I think I found another clue!"

160 posted on 07/19/2005 1:35:03 PM PDT by Dark Skies (All Muslims aren't evil...just the real ones.)
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