An EMT told us that it is illegal to perform any advanced life saving techniques unless you arrive at the hospital with a pulse. I'm sorry, but I was never so happy to land in Newark and see defibrillators on the walls.
It's a good idea to try fact-checking before passing rumors along. Here's what I found that contradicts the info in the the post you relayed from another site:
A group of Medical Technicians joined forces and intro-duced a new private ambulance service for the Resortsand Hotels in the area and as of November 1, 2004 theystarted by offering partial ambulance service from 9:00a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The ambulance is based at La CabanaBeach Resort and the company intends to get two (2)new ambulances and implement a 24-hour service effec-tive December 1st 2004.
The services offered include emergency and non-emer-gency transport services, First Aid assistance, specialneed groups medical escorting, wheelchairs transportand tours and special equipment rentals.
Demonstration on Defibrillator:Every other week, there is a demonstration of defibrilla-tor by a Medical Expert immediately after the Members Orientation.
"It's a good idea to try fact-checking before passing rumors along. Here's what I found that contradicts the info in the the post you relayed from another site:
A group of Medical Technicians joined forces and intro-duced a new private ambulance service for the Resortsand Hotels in the area and as of November 1, 2004 theystarted by offering partial ambulance service from 9:00a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The ambulance is based at La CabanaBeach Resort and the company intends to get two (2)new ambulances and implement a 24-hour service effec-tive December 1st 2004.
The services offered include emergency and non-emer-gency transport services, First Aid assistance, specialneed groups medical escorting, wheelchairs transportand tours and special equipment rentals.
Demonstration on Defibrillator:Every other week, there is a demonstration of defibrilla-tor by a Medical Expert immediately after the Members Orientation."
elli1: I don't see where you say they USE them. Your article says they just demonstrate them!
Gosh, I can't believe you would accuse me of spreading "rumors" with a post like that! You could defend the medical system and whatever in Aruba all you want. I just thought it was an interesting tidbit a tourist reported. I never said it was fact. Geeesh!