Julian Bond
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Isn't this an annual thing for Bond?
Julian Bond is hard at work blindly giving his total support to the Party that filibustered against the Civil Rights Act. Go figure.
His statements were obviously taken out of context. The NAALCP would never say such things about a conservative, shocked, I'm shocked I say!
Didn't Kwiesi Mfume and Bond get into an arguement about "reaching out to the Bush Administration" before Mfume left?
The new guy wants to "reach out" also, so how does he expect to keep his job?
Bond is a racist...and I heard Julianne Malveaux on Hannity today---I've known for years that she is a racist, and she hasn't changed a bit!!!
Give the guy some credit! It takes serious cajones to speak in front a criminal orgaization like the NAACP and talk about ``fraudulent'' civil rights organizations tricking black clergy! Man thats their game and Bush is beating at it!
If Booker T. Washington were alive to day, he'd throw this chump a beating.
Boy! I wonder got up his nose?
In order for the NAACP to receive the public funding it does, doesn't the organization have to abstain from taking political sides? I thought that was the case.
MILWAUKEE - (KRT) - NAACP Chairman Julian Bond bashed President Bush and other conservatives Sunday, warning they have tried to seduce black clergy
No, some black clergy have enough conviction to stand on their principles and not back issues the Democrat party has promoted lately. Values are important...Pres. Bush and some members of the black clergy find common ground.
Victimization and the welfare state are his bread and butter.
Screw Julian Bond and the rest of the Democrats.
the naacp becomes more and more illrevelent each week.
They just can't stand being ignored.
Like jessee jackson they should be shunned.
When, oh when, will the black community stop listening to this obvious bull$!t from the "Party of the Little Guy" and party of Robert (Grand Dragon) Byrd?
Lincoln was a Republican. A Dem would have never signed the Emancipation Proclaimation!
The definition of "news:" When Julian Bond DOESN'T denounce Bush at an NAACP convention.
Extra: Headline: Sgtbono denounces Julian Bond as a shuck and jive shyster who is losing power with blacks because he dont know sheeeit. As more and more blacks become educated to what the NAACP hasnt done for them over the years they are getting a bellyful of race huistlers like Bond and the NAACP. Now they want real political power . Power the Republicans are willing to share with people who think for themselves instead of letting Julian Bond , Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton think for them.
They are tirng of fat Ted and nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, and Hillary who make promises and dont deliver squat.
NAACP = The only political party in the US with tax-exempt status.
Breaking news, dog bites man.