They should be thrown in the slammer until the trial.
man what mindless little chldren we are raising these days.. at 18 I had a job, a car, a girlfreind, college and MUCH MUCH better things to do with my time
send to Camp Victory to do dishes and be altar boys for the masses for our troops.
Only one was charged as a juvenile.....why involve the parents with regards to the others?....especially the 18 year old. Treat them like adults, with adult consequences for their actions.
Too right. Of course, "Holy Water abuse" is on the Left's agenda so expect the ACLU in Rochester any day now.
It's no burning quran, but let me ask the ACLU this. Is this a hate crime?
18 = not a 18 you can vote and kill for your country, and also do time in an adult prison...
The rest are boys...
Agreed. And then when they're found guilty of ripping up a house of God, their sentence, after some time in the county lockup, would be to repair, under supervision, all of the damage they caused.
That is what they are being taught by our Liberal friends...they hate religion...they hate God...and the T.V. babysitter does nothing but help form their minds to this crap...
later pingout.
Silly kids...must not have gotten enough hugs as small children. Poor victims of society. (/sarc)
If it had been a mosque, they'd be in real trouble. Since it was a Christian church, even charging them probably violates separation of church and state. (sarc)
I wonder if these pieces of crap explained it away as: They were bored. Don't a lot of vandals use that old excuse!
They should just be executed. Any one capable of doing this is either destined for a life of crime or career as a Democrat politican. either way, better to end it now.
Aside from the lack of a hate crime charge, where are the charges for smoking violations?
Maybe they can get a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.
How about releasing them to Cardinal Law. Since they like exposing themselves, I'm sure he'll know exactly what to do to them ;-)
Actually, given how screwed up the diocese of Rochester appears to be these days, it is not at all clear that the "boy" wasn't simply engaging in some sort of alternative liturgical practices...
I wonder what they would get if they had defiled a MUSLIM place? A beheading or two perhaps?
I sympathize with this parish.