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More backlash (albeit limp-wristed) against the "War on Males" sponsored and egged-on by feminists.
1 posted on 07/05/2005 5:31:58 AM PDT by Bon mots
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To: Bon mots
Why Women Must Change Too if we are to Rescue Marriage

How naive this writer be. The cause of the bulk of divorces is that "women change". Within 3 to 5 years after marriage they neither look nor act remotely like the friendly, supportive, thin bride they once were.

53 posted on 07/05/2005 6:56:18 AM PDT by T. Jefferson
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To: Bon mots

In our golf league there are a few guys who are younger. We were talking to one of them, the guy is 22, has a very good job. He was talking about his fiancee. I told him I wouldn't do well as a single man his age, given that women are so difficult to deal with. His agreement was emphatic, and immediate. I feel sorry for young men these days.
I have a 20 year old daughter, I love her dearly, but I'm certain one day she will make some poor guy miserable.

54 posted on 07/05/2005 6:58:03 AM PDT by brownsfan (Post No Bills)
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To: Bon mots
"Second, if women are to share power in the world, men must share power in the home, which means that they get an equal say in important decisions about soft furnishings. "

We simply could not agree on where to place our baby bathtub. We decided not to argue anymore about it and agreed to take the advice of a professional interior decorator.

59 posted on 07/05/2005 7:05:09 AM PDT by Enterprise (Thus sayeth our rulers - "All your property is mine." - - - Kelo vs New London)
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To: Bon mots
If you treat all men as selfish, insensitive, lazy, lying, feckless, incompetent scumbags, you should not be surprised if that is what they turn out to be.

Spoken like a true misogynist. Perhaps some men really ARE those things, then treating as IF they are is irrelevant. That list describes my soon-to-be ex. Except he ommited some other adjectives, such as "sociopathic, abusive, irresponsible, cruel, substance-addicted, mentally ill." I did not need to TREAT him like he was those things for him to be those things. He WAS and IS those things. This article is a big cover for the plea for more sex from women. (Flame away.....)

78 posted on 07/05/2005 7:25:05 AM PDT by Conservatrix ("He who stands for nothing will fall for anything.")
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To: Bon mots
One sign of hope for marriage --- just one, but it's a biggie --- is the homeschooling movement, now about a million families strong in the USA. Homeschooling families tend to:

91 posted on 07/05/2005 7:31:21 AM PDT by Mrs. Don-o (Credo --- in Unam, Sanctam, Catholicam et Apostolicam Ecclesiam)
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To: Bon mots


104 posted on 07/05/2005 7:41:33 AM PDT by aberaussie
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To: Bon mots
If economic necessity is not going to bring and keep men and women together in marriage, then we are going to have to rely on mutual affection and respect.

"...So, in that spirit, women are all bitches that henpeck us." ~rolls eyes~

What a whiner.

What there is, in this country, are a bunch of people of both sexes that lack commitment within relationships, and some who think that commitment entitles them to be mean to the other.

105 posted on 07/05/2005 7:43:17 AM PDT by HairOfTheDog
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To: Bon mots
Well, one thing is obvious. If same sex marriage becomes the norm as the democrats are pushing it to be. Half the population of one gender or the other, will have to make one hellova change.
114 posted on 07/05/2005 7:47:00 AM PDT by F.J. Mitchell (Activist liberal Judges, have turned the SCOTUS into an abort the Constitution abortitorium.)
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To: Bon mots; Tax-chick; tahotdog; kharaku; Aquinasfan; Publius6961

Here is another prospective:

I try to be patient, and realize most people views are taken from a narrow perspective; usually the prospective of their life time.

For a few of the macho men of the board, lets take a look at this perspective, for a good portion of our nations history, man did not bring home the bacon,, for most American’s the bacon was on the family farm. Mom did as much work as Dad did, junior also got up for chores. The family was home with each other, bonding, working side by side, with occasional ‘outings’ among neighbors. If Pop went off to war, or had to be gone, Mom worked the farm, as hard as any man.

Then the family moved to the ‘city’, mom, home bound, pop new role ‘bread winner’. Dad has a different out look on Mom at home as he goes off to the city earning a “liven”, and socializing among the town folk. Mom’s value dropped in the eyes of her man.

Hope your starting to get the picture here, I would hate to have to spell it out more for you.

It’s not matter of ‘girly men’ it is a matter of putting your ‘thinking’ cap on’

The author of the articles views are narrow in perspective.

There are several ways to tear down our society one is to male bash the other is to 'woman bash'. To less the value of women in the home, in marriage and society is to damage our nations as much as any insurgent.

Some males on the board need stop whinning like spoiled children who's mommy is not taking care of them, and look at men who have keep their marriages in tact, and a good healthy family, and wife. Note the word difference 'males' vs. 'men'.

117 posted on 07/05/2005 7:48:29 AM PDT by digitalman
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To: Bon mots; cjshapi; MaryFromMichigan; Xenalyte; Jersey Republican Biker Chick
My mates always want me to change.

I'm usually assuming they mean personality.

But usually they mean underpants.

148 posted on 07/05/2005 8:05:58 AM PDT by Lazamataz (Looks like the Supreme Court wants to play Cowboys and Homeowners.)
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To: Bon mots

When I read threads like this, I realize that we are all, all of us, are losing in a big way. I mourn for my children.

164 posted on 07/05/2005 8:14:46 AM PDT by Theophilus (Save Little Democrats, Stop Abortion)
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To: Bon mots

why would feminists want to save marriage.

They read an article like this and it speaks only of the left's ongoing success in taking appart marriage. (about fathers with no rights etc...)

The drum beat is marriage is irrelevant to having a child.

Even the word mother is forbiddent.

The left talks of the strong father vs the nuturing parent. (no mother just "parent") Father is eeeevil, mother is gone.

174 posted on 07/05/2005 8:21:34 AM PDT by longtermmemmory (VOTE!)
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To: Bon mots
Mother Nature will penalize the human genome for any changes we try to make quickly in what was a million year process.


265 posted on 07/05/2005 9:18:36 AM PDT by tm22721
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To: Bon mots

It'll never happen. FWIW, I prefer the Christian model. Men, love your wives as Christ loves the Chruch. What did Christ do? He sacrificed his own life so that the Church may be established. Men, love your wives like that.

Women, obey your husbands as unto the Lord. As believers, we are to try as best we can to live the life God wants for us and obey His commandments. Women, obey your husbands like that.

Now, obviously, this is somewhat a generalization. You wouldn't ask a woman to stay with a battering husband or one who is addicted to drugs, etc. It helps to have two people committed to Christ so that the loving and obeying is easier to do during the tough times because you are honoring God even when you don't "feel like" being good to your spouse.

But this is the ideal God has given us and part of the problem with marriage today is not just that we are selfish but that we also enter into it for the wrong reasons. Something needs to make your spouse "loveable" even on the days when he/she is a major pain in the neck. The answer to that is to love them for the position they hold just as God loves His own not for how we behave but because of who we are in Christ.

Without that context, I don't see how as many marriages survive as they do.

287 posted on 07/05/2005 9:39:49 AM PDT by Tall_Texan (Visit Club Gitmo - The World's Only Air-Conditioned Gulag.)
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To: Bon mots

Male sluts need to stop whining about the female sluts dumping them and start acting like men.

296 posted on 07/05/2005 9:59:57 AM PDT by k2blader (Was it wrong to kill Terri Shiavo? YES - 83.8%. FR Opinion Poll.)
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To: Bon mots; Cyrano; shaggy eel

The title looks OK. ... Women do need to change, but real discerning/leader men wouldn't get involved with women who aren't interested in personal change, and then perhaps the women would learn that to gain acceptance from men, it's much more than just dressing sexy and being good at ...those things.

It's funny how we each blame the other sex when it's such an individual thing. I have seen wimpy men, who sit around and whine about how bad women are, instead of just being a leader and doing the right thing regardless of whether 'women' follow. That's the only way to *find* a good woman, is to be a good man. And vice versa.

In the order of things, the men are to lead, and that means in relationships as well. Not all women, and maybe not even the individual man's wife, may follow, depending on her level of 'screwed-up-ness.' But just because one spouse is a jerk shouldn't stop anyone from getting themselves right. (applies to both male *and* female.)

Women tend to be more emotional and get screwed up that way from making clear relationship decisions; men tend to be led by their hormones and visual temptations and that screws them up that way, preventing them from making good partner decisions.

Both have their own individual hang-ups and differing degrees of sex-oriented-weaknesses that we need to learn to overcome in order to learn to see straight.

309 posted on 07/05/2005 10:13:04 AM PDT by Terriergal (What is the meaning of life?? Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him for ever.)
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To: Bon mots
I suppose we must blame the rise of selfish individualism.

Agreed...and my daughters are the ones who are paying the price.

390 posted on 07/05/2005 11:43:50 AM PDT by Recovering Hermit
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To: Bon mots

I can’t believe (actually I can) that on a topic such as this, with the people involved in the conversation, we all resort to the blame game.
“It’s all because of women!”
“No! It’s all because of men!”
You all can sit back and get mad at each other and further the detriment to the institution of marriage by bad mouthing the opposite sex, but I will not. Those with the social agenda to end marriage are also trying to make the behaviors that are contributing to the downfall of marriage acceptable. (infidelity, dishonesty, selfishness, etc.) I’m sure they are sitting back laughing when they can turn those such as Freepers on their own. It is not the fault of men or women solely. There are cases where it has been the fault of the man or woman but is not always the fault of one sex or the other all the time. If you believe that it is, then you have been truly brainwashed (or perhaps it is just a defense mechanism for your own mistakes). The infighting has to stop if we are save the institution of marriage, or any other sacred establishment that is endangered. We have everything to lose, they have everything to win, why help them to defeat us?

393 posted on 07/05/2005 11:47:14 AM PDT by NationalistVisionary (Were you about to call me an a**hole?)
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To: Bon mots

431 posted on 07/05/2005 12:31:34 PM PDT by TheForceOfOne (My tagline snapped the last time the MSM blew smoke up my ass. Now its gone forever.)
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To: Bon mots
Second, if women are to share power in the world, men must share power in the home, which means that they get an equal say in important decisions about soft furnishings.

*snicker* Since SirSuziQ trusts that I will NEVER bring anything frou-frou into this house, he is content to let me choose. However I ALWAYS ask his opinion on any sort of furniture coverings since he needs to be happy with it, too. Considering we don't purchase stuff like that very often, we want to make sure we like it cause we're gonna have it a LONG time.

Right now I'm on a quest for the perfect bedding ensemble for our new Master Suite. It's tough because I don't like flowers, and most geometrics don't do anything for me. I found a nice pattern online, not overly colorful, but nice shades. Unfortunately, I can't find it locally. DRAT!

491 posted on 07/05/2005 2:07:24 PM PDT by SuziQ
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