"Now, if the Iraqis are starting to figure this out, do you think the American Left--who believe the "insurgents" are as patriotic as our founding fathers--ever will?"
No, they never will. Because they are as sick and as crazy as the terrorists and insurgents in Iraq.
Exhibit number one: Teddy Kennedy.
Exhibit number two: John Kerry.
Exhibit number three: Harry Reid
Exhibit number four: Nancy Pelosi
Exhibit number five: Barbara Boxer
Exhibit number six: Jesse Jackson
Exhibit Number seven: most members of homosexual and lesbian organizations
Exhibit number eight: most members of cross-dressing organizations
Teddy Kennedy: "This is an outrage! We have insurgents killing one anotha', ond neow, the' are conservatives loughing ot them! When will Donald Rumsfeld regign? [Does Rumsfeld have an extra bottle of rum anywhea?]"
John Kerry. "President Bush sent me secretly to cause this chaos between both groups of insurgents. I enjoyed it. I am proud of what I did. I burned villages, shot dogs, and issued harassment fire. And while proud, while enjoying myself, it was wrong-- plain wrong, and illegal."
Harry Reid: "What would Daschle say about this?"
Nancy Pelosi: "Our soldiers are getting killed! I mean, muslim people are getting killed!"
Barbara Boxer: "I hhhhhope Mr. Bush is hhhhappy about this."
Exhibit number six: Jesse Jackson. "Pahdon me for a moment. I am busy de-briefing another ... I am busy shaking down.... scatch that. Minority insurgents are being killed at a faster rate..."