Seriously, you are a brave lady. I recently retired from the Army so unless they un-retire me...
Question: Is there a tourism industry to speak of over there? Any hopes for building one?
Well, right now, there's not much of a tourist industry. Too many errrr....fireworks. But there IS a lot to see here, especially for ancient history freaks like me. One of the most frustrating things about being here is knowing there is stuff that's 6,000 years old here and I can't go see it.
But keep an eye on the future, becase there is so much potential in the architecture, history, people and overall culture that I think this will once again be a burgeoning tourist destination.
Disclaimer: It's the Fourth of July, I'm having beer with my co-workers and just came in here for a few minutes to get into the A/C. Any typos are the result of some holiday merriment.
Thank you very much for your service to our great country.
We wouldn't be where we are today without people like all of you and I appreciate it immensely.