Republicans Convicted in Federal Vote Fraud -- Cash, Cigarettes, Liquor Used to Buy Votes
Experts say fraud may have been more widespread than indicated; legitimacy of many elected officials called into question
Pinhead and Possumhead (Katie and Matt), Peter Jennings, Paula Zahn, Tim Russert, and the rest of the Usual Suspects would lead their repports by calling into doubt the results of every election for the past ten years where a Republican won, and busy coming up with tough questions to pose to Republican leaders ... then, in the middle of it all ... to find out that ... er, oops! The vote buyers were Democrats!
As it is, note the conspicuous absence of any mention of party affiliation in the AP wire article's title.
*sigh* Wankers.
You mean like the "conviction" of Tom Delay?
That's our problem. We're just tooo honest to think that level of Evil.....though now that you MENTION it, there ARE a few morw cases pending...
If the story was switched to say Republicans instead of Demos the media would jump on it, but when corrected the correction would be on page 24 while the media would suddenly go silent. The first story is what most people get, while corrections only reach the truly informed.