Bill Walton is indeed a babbling idiot at times, but I'm not sure that's what he meant. I mean, c'mon, the Texans did lose at the Alamo! Course we won it all a bit later at San Jacinto. Which brings up one of my favorite tangential stream-of-conscious factoids. The San Jac monument was built after a law had been passed saying that no monument could be taller than the Washington monument in DC. So we Texans simply put it on a bigger base, which combined with the memorial is indeed taller!
Walton is a deadhead. He is still having flashbacks.
*****The San Jac monument was built after a law had been passed saying that no monument could be taller than the Washington monument in DC. So we Texans simply put it on a bigger base, which combined with the memorial is indeed taller!*****
That's very close. But what had happened was we were building the monument, designed to be no taller than the Washington D.C. Monument, and realized we were a few feet shy of topping that, so we added the giant star (18 feet tall?) Then we claimed that the 20-something foot base is not actually part of the monument, to get around the technicality.
Just thought I'd share that bit of trivia to add to your own post. I live about 5-10 minutes from the monument and battleground, and am a big history buff (though I haven't been lately).
Regarding the Alamo being a "lost cause," it sure as hell was not. Those 183 brave men gave Houston's army an extra 13 days to rest and train, and the weary troops as well as the new recruits needed that very much.