bump. I think the "rape story" will sink this book as something that will change one person's opinion of Hillary.
If you love Hillary, you will rally 'round her to protect her from the book.
If you hate Hillary, the book is big news for a few days.
If you aren't overly political, you either say "What Hillary Book?", or "What are they squawking about now?" as you flip past the cable news channels on your way to watch Survivor.
This alone is why Hillary is to be feared.
This "rape" allegation seems designed to discredit the entire book. You don't accuse a husband of "raping" his wife, and then say "sorry, my source wants to stay anonymous, and I don't have any other evidence."
I'm just waiting for the onslaught of MSM coverage, when the press emerges to defend Hillary from these "vicious right wing lies."
And you can bet your last dollar that when Hillary is challenged about cattlegate or Juanita Broderick in 2008, she'll declare "I'm not addressing the lies from Ed Klein's book... he's been discredited."
Be afraid. Be very afraid.