Kirkwood, the contrail of the shorter one is much, much longer than what we saw. There was NO contrail. You couldn't even tell it was forked into a V unless you looked through binocs.
"Kirkwood, the contrail of the shorter one is much, much longer than what we saw. There was NO contrail. You couldn't even tell it was forked into a V unless you looked through binocs."
Um, that was the only one I could find that illustrated the point that contrails come in all shapes and sizes. Some aircraft have no contrails at all (imagine that!). You saw a contrail. Trust me.
BTW, you can use this to track flights around certain areas of the country:
At my local airport the data is saved for some time and you can go back and find certain aircraft in a specific place at a specific time. I suspect if you have this for your area, you could not only find the aircraft, but the airline, flight number, altitude, speed, and aircraft type as well.