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To: USAfearsnobody

So now the Democrats are attacking our troops by comparing them to the guards in the Gulag Archipelago and Pol Pots death camps. Once again the Party is supporting the enemy Terrorists that we are fighting as always. The same Party who has supported the IRA, PLO, FLN, KLA, Hezbola and every other terrorist group that attacks America supports today’s terrorists killing Americans. The same Party that hid and supported the Gulag when it was run by the Soviet Union is now condemning those prisons of death.

If Dick Durtbag wants to throw around words like Gulag, let’s take a look at exactly what he is calling our Troops. Please do not read further if you are under 18 or have a weak stomach. The death camps in the Soviet Union were designed by Stalin to eliminate dissident and the homeless and turn them into work camps. Being an enemy of the State included 10 years for taking a rotting vegetable from a communal farm. In Soltzenietzen’s case it was questioning a superior officer in a letter to his wife. Many of the tactics used were designed by the German SS who were recruited at the end of the war to help run these camps.

After a Soviet Citizen was taken off the streets he/she was given a quick hearing w/o defense and then given his ten year sentence. Ten years was essentially life since the chances of surviving was around 20-25%.

They were then loaded into boxcars with around 150 per car with no facilities other than a bucket in the middle. The people were packed so close that the people in the middle would suffocate after a few minutes and then have to be moved out to the outside and breath the cold smoky air coming through the sidewalls of the car. Thousands died on the trip to the Gulags.

Barking dogs would meet them at the Gulag as the people were herded to the camps. At the camp the people would be stripped naked and have to wait in rooms while guards watched from windows on the other side. This was to humiliate and dehumanize in addition the guards would choose the women they wanted for concubines. These women would be rewarded with extra rations for their sexual favors.

The torture sessions would start either here or before the hearing depending on the person. The person would be locked naked in a cell w/o heat in sub-freezing temperatures until his session. Some of the sessions included sexual humiliation. One was putting razor blades around a man’s penis and then having naked women walk around him. Another was to lie him face down on the floor while a woman with spiked heals would crush his testicles with her heel. There were very few cases the prisoner would not confess to anything.

The Volga Canal was called the River of Bones because it was estimated that 1000 people died for every mile of the 100 mile canal. It was dug during the middle of winter while the prisoners worked 24 hours a day. Any prisoner who complained or was a problem would be staked out naked in 15 below temperatures and have a bucket of water thrown on him to freeze him to death. One camp would have mosquitoes flying in swarms that darkened the skies so they would stake prisoners out for hours naked to let the mosquitoes bite them. Guards or Administrators who did not go along with these tactics or didn’t meet schedules were also killed.

When they returned to their cinder block cells they could look forward for a cup of broth and a small piece of moldy bread. They would lose an average of 50 lbs in the first 60 days. When they were too weak to work they would just cut their rations. The Russians found that starvation was the cheapest method of killing rather than expensive bullets while in addition would receive the benefit of cheap labor. This inhumanity is what caused me to leave the DemoCommunist Party.

This is what a US Senator and the Rat Party is calling our Proud Soldiers, nothing less. These Communist camps worldwide have murdered over 100 million innocent people in the past 75 years. The stretch is not even comparable, yet this Durtbag is allowed to get away with it. We are not torturing people in the methods of the Soviets or Cambodians. To suggest it is sickening. This Party believes the only way they can regain their power is for America to lose the War in Iraq and are doing everything they can to accomplish that goal. The only people lower than the Gulag guards are Democrats who attack our own Troops.

Ronald Reagan freed millions of prisoners from these camps which was the first major loss for the Democrat Party. President George W Bush freed thousands of prisoners in Iraq from the same prisons, which was the second major loss.

Pray for W and Our Proud Troops

144 posted on 06/16/2005 3:26:59 PM PDT by bray (Pray for Iraq's Freedom from Mohammad)
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To: bray
Responses like that deserve great respect. Thanks for being a loyal member of the Reagan Revolution and FR itself.

The same thing was going on in Iraq. It was done by men who jumped on a guys testicles until they... popped. These barbarians seek Jews out to slice off their heads; they are practicing Final Solution II. THAT's the real holocaust that's going on out there. Dick Durbin is not anti-Semitic, he's a moron. He and those idiots that tried to impede on the President's Constitutional power to ORDER him to withdraw troops by 10/06 are all MORONS. There is no other way I can explain it. Every DUmborat shares the same philosophy about government-instituted communism: That its a wonderful ideal. They love it, they go ga-ga over it. It may sound good to them, but what they don't realize is that communism is a VIOLENT philosophy as expressed by Marx.

But every Democrat just loves anti-freemarket, powerful federal government communism. They know it can't work, and they don't expect it to ever come about, but they are gleeful at any chance to implement its ideals. The Democrats don't realise that the worst regimes in the world, the ones that literally mutilated their citizens, tortured them in prison camps without right to speedy trial, and MURDERED dissidents all have had one thing in common; they never had a free market. Hitler, Stalin, Saddam, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Ill, Horehito, Mousollini, Arafat, Assad, Khomeni, Katami... the whole bunch is anti-free market.

Until they trust a free people's right to govern themselves, until they realize that a majority has a right to govern, they will continue to exploit every and any legal and illegal measure they can find to obstruct freedom.

That's why they don't trust our military. They just don't believe that an 18 year-old with a gun in his hand can practice responsibilty; they think they know it all.

"U.S. Mideast Democracy Plan Undemocratic, Critics Say"-12/19/02
"Bush supporters say war critics should keep silent"-10/21/04
384 posted on 06/16/2005 5:04:40 PM PDT by USAfearsnobody
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