Sun got me for 500 bucks years ago for thier piece of crap SolarisX86. I found a very nice (486) Unix in consence Unix, took three tried to read the tape it came on but once installed it worked nicely an Oracle even had a port to it. I try to buy old computers from work and hate it when the OS requires the fastest new cpu, tons of rand and gigabits of disk space. I remember when Unix ran (and ran well) on less then a meg of ram, why one needs 64 meg/ram just to run the OS is beyond me.
While the first version was rather weak it wasn't originally marketed as equivalent to their Sparc version. It has matured well now and is available for free for the 1 processor version, and has most if not all of the internal features of its big brother. Patching is rather difficult, but no moreso than any of the multitude of Linux fakes out there.