Going the Speed Limit is not driving slow, it's called obeying the law, if you drive faster, you are a lawbreaker and you deserve to be fined.
Those signs are not there as "suggestions", they are there because in order to drive, you need to be able to have a certain breaking distance between each car, and you need to be able to be able to adequately control the car.
In Mass you cannot be sited for a seat belt violation, unless you are pulled over for another infraction. Now I am driving down 93 doing 75 passing all the Staties on detail, chance of a ticket small, a:) Because every one else is doing 85 and B: It is a frigging work detail, not a traffic detail.
They are there to raise revenue, and as a comfort for the senile whose reaction times are shot, and should be riding the bus from Elderly Services. (Which also isn't in the constitution).
Criminal Number 18F
The feds should have set the speed limits at 30 mph. It would have saved so many lives, and practically guaranteed adequate control and 'breaking' distance on the highways. And while it would have created a few more of those pesky lawbreakers, since obeying the law is more important and we have good reasons to make that law, it should be okay, right?
Forget that worthless scrap of paper, E Rocc--the Constitution isn't worth the parchment it's written on anyway. /sarc