To: beyond the sea
Sen. Joe Biden is only trying to get his face on TV. I an't recall rhe last time he said anything of importance.
26 posted on
06/05/2005 8:08:02 AM PDT by
To: chiefqc
Someone needs to get Biden's face onto a dart board or a urinal screen, TV spots are penny ante compared to what that face could earn in many other places.
The image of Biden's bloated EGO could be valuable in those new anti fat commercials. Bodies the size of Biden's EGO have steady gigs on the Springer show.
If we stood Biden's EGO up beside Michael Moore's body, Moore would appear to anorexic by comparison.
32 posted on
06/05/2005 8:32:26 AM PDT by
F.J. Mitchell
(Aborting your own entitles you to be the provider for those born to irresponsible over breeders.)
To: chiefqc
I can't recall rhe last time he said anything of importance.---
Yeh..... he said that he wanted to look like John Forsythe (the actor).
39 posted on
06/05/2005 8:44:28 AM PDT by
beyond the sea
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