I persoanally never understood why the Libs hated the guy (with the Hiss exception, of course). He gave them more than they dreamed.
Whenever people ask me what good Nixon ever did, I tell them he made us all forget how much we hated LBJ.
Explanation for Left's Nixon-hatred:
1) The Hiss case was a very big deal to them. And indeed, it was a big deal.
2) Nixon could be a street fighter when he wanted to be. This does not apply to ANY other modern GOP president -- Ike, Ford, Reagan, GHWB, and needless to say, GWB.
3) RN re-elected by a landslide against McGoo, the pure left-liberal.
4) RN fought the Vietnam war, with some success.
5) RN represented the "square," Middle-American silent majority. He didn't do much for them, but he was one of them, and many of them identified with him. There is a parallel here to GWB.
6) RN hated the left and knew what SOBs they were. He understood them better than any GOP president with the possible exception of RR.
7) RN was smart -- smarter than any modern GOP president.
The left always hates that in an opponent.