Hope that you have a heavy duty storm cellar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We didn't even have a tornado touch down here in the month of May in the whole state -- set a record. We have a place to go -- that said there is an old Indian legend that the buffalo all gathered in a buffalo wallow at the river on the westside of Norman whenever there was bad weather and protects the town of Norman. Legend or not, Norman, knock on wood, has never been hit by a major tornado or much of anything until you get south of HWY 9 or out by the lake and even then they have been small tornadoes.
North of us about five miles, tornadoes from the southwest go into Moore right at the knee of the river -- three major ones since we have lived here BTW.
I will take my chances here with a tornado since Norman is home to the National Weather Center and Storms Prediction Center which means we get all the new equipment for warning, etc. There is plenty of advance notice as well for people to take action as the storms are tracked minute by minute.