This is a CULTURE war and Bill Frist let his troops surrender and his excuse is he can't control his toops and is not bound by what they do.
Consider this as if it were real.
Several Generals under Eisenhower are claiming a great victory over the enemy. Just hours before Ike was to launch the D DAy invasion a group of his generals have negotiated a deal with the German Government. In Return for Germany dropping plans to attack England, Scotland, Wales but not Ireland, the allies have agreed to let the German Government retain total control of Germany. Germany also will still occupy but not control France and Poland.
In adddition Germany agrees to give up all claims to Africa and to only kill those Jews that are extremists.
The German Government also agreed to not sink any alllied ships with submarines unless they were carrying things Germany does not like.
Many in the media are claiming this a great allied victory. It is said to have averted nearly 50 thousand deaths that would have occured during the D Day invasion.
Eisenhower said he was not part of the agreement and reserved the right to invade nomandy if the Germans ever do anything nasty.
That post is excellent!
You just love that bold function and allcaps.