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Angst rules with Far Left at prospect of losing judicial filibuster in Senate
5/20/05 | Various despondent libs

Posted on 05/20/2005 7:29:46 AM PDT by dukeman

Be afraid. Be very afraid. That's the mood among far lefties when they discuss the "what if" scenarios connected to next week's Senate vote over the filibuster of judicial nominees. Even through the fevered fog in which they reside, the looney left knows that this is their Alamo, their last stand. If they don't turn back the opposition here, then the "evil" thugs will run ungoverned through American politics for years to come.

Catch the mood over on DU:

saracat (1000+ posts) Thu May-19-05 06:33 PM
Original message

I am scared. What are we going to do if we lose the filibuster?

We no longer have the money to move. What will happen to this country? Can we ever fix it? I am fearful 2006 will be too late and we can't guarantee a win anyway. What can we do?

swag (1000+ posts)
Response to Original message

1. Obviously, panic is most useful.

I vote for mass panic.

kaygore (160 posts)
Response to Original message

2. Back in the 60s and 70s we rioted

We burned the cities. We took to the streets.,p>

We can again.

Funny though, this time it will be the middle class, at least what is left of it.

We just have to get angry enough.

saracat (1000+ posts)
Original message

Do you think people really will? Do most even know what this means?

kaygore (160 posts)
Response to Original message

15. Yep

I was in Richmond the summer that the frustrations that the Blacks were experiencing fueled the burning of Washington DC and other cities. I remember the riot police on every corner of downtown Richmond at that time.

Remember, when people have nothing to lose, then they are the most dangerous (hence the suicide bombers in the Middle East). Soon, we will have nothing to lose. We have no health care. We have no jobs. As the interest rates soar, we will have no homes. As the gas prices soar, we will have no food and no heat or air conditioning. As the war spreads, we will lose our husbands, wives, nieces and nephews, and our children.

Soon we will have nothing to lose and then we will rise up.

That's their miscalculation. When we have nothing to lose we are willing to lose our lives. We will burn what they have. We will rise up against them.

We have done it before and it is too recent for us not to remember how we felt when we refused to take any more lies. When we refused to let them manipulate us and lie to us any more.

We are very dangerous when they leave us with nothing more to lose.

And, there are many more us us then there are of them. (And the fools have even encouraged us to own guns. Gosh, are they dumb bastards or are they dumb bastards?)

FreedomAngel82 (1000+ posts)
Response to Original message

26. I doubt it

Some people don't even know what it means. When all this started happening I told my dad and he said "what's that?" I was stunned. My dad is a pretty smart person as a civil engineer. But I just asked him if he knew about "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" and that helped explain it. People are too caught up with either jobs and taking care of their families, worrying about family members over sea's, or too busy worrying about who's going to win on "American Idol."

Slyder (66 posts)
Response to Reply #2

35. Karl Marx was right!

He was absolutely right--there is a revolutionary class! But he was wrong about which class. It is the Middle Classes that are the revolutionary class. They are the classes that supplied the leadership for the English, American, French, and Russian revolutions. This is why the Republicans hate the middle class and why they are trying to destroy it. They are very shortsighted. The middle classes are not only the most productive classes (much of the so-called working class is also in the contemporary American middle class), they are also the chief consuming classes. If there is no one to consume, then there is no reason to produce or sell. The plutocrats can't eat gold so they will eventually go down the tubes too. Get the Middle Class riled up and all hell will break loose. The storm is coming!

GirlinContempt (1000+ posts)
Response to Reply #35

66. In Marx's terms

I think you're referring to the petty bourgeois, which he does refer to, as well as acknowledge that they're being destroyed in the class struggles.

JRob (212 posts)
Response to Reply #2

60. in other words, the same people from the '60s... I still say we merely need to refuse to participate in American commerce. Call in sick for a day, a week. Don't buy any thing but what you absolutely need to live. Don't fly or us credit cards etc. If we started doing that alternating months the basters will be begging us to reengage...

heidiho (1000+ posts)
Response to Original message

3. As usual, we'll bend over and take it up the tailpipe

like we've been doing for the past four and a half years. [At an advanced stage of grief, are we?]

Tux (1000+ posts)
Response to Original message

4. Buy these

Firearms, ammo, and camo clothes. Contact your local militia and they might take you in. MI Militia welcomes everyone now

Joey Liberal (449 posts)
Response to Reply #4

41. The militia would take Liberals?

Are you f****** crazy? The militia's probably love Bunnypants Bush. Those crazy bastards have been silent while Bush ruins the country.

JRob (212 posts)
Response to Reply #41

62. Ah, militia-folk are Libertarians and typically hate ALL government...

Most of those types up here (N. Idaho) are locked and loaded... From what I hear.

Tux (1000+ posts)
Response to Reply #41

67. Who is crazy?

The fool or the fool that hides among dangerous survivalists?

merbex (774 posts)
Response to Original message

6. Get REALLY active

I'm nervous too. I have acknowledged and accepted that the Repugs in control of the GOP are ruthless; too many people (friends,neighbors)have NOT accepted this fact.

If,God forbid,this effort to kill the filibuster succeeds I'm only hoping that it will wake people up and it won't be too late for the Nation.

saracat (1000+ posts)
Response to Reply #6

10. I AM active, but it may not be enough.

Even if people wake up, it will be too late.We will have NO power. I just don't know what to do.Some of these suggestions are facetious,(not your) I hope. I don't mean to panic, but this is a very dangerous time.I want some practical advice.

merbex (774 posts)
Response to Reply #10

18. Well, I helped to start a non fiction progressive book club

we had 10 people show up last night for a discussion of God's Politics

4 out of the 10 had never done anything that could be termed "activist" this was their first foray into discussing current events. They said this filibuster thing has them really scared. It got them out of the house.

Put a table together at a farmer's market but sell political stuff- buttons, bumper stickers t shirts with logos But also get people's emails that buy your stuff

Plaster your car with bumper stickers

Write numerous letters to your LOCAL paper;preferably the smaller the better. It helps to stand up and be proud and unafraid of being a Democrat who loves the Constitution - it empowers others to do the same

FreedomAngel82 (1000+ posts)
Response to Reply #10

28. We don't have power now

We don't have any power now. What, do you think all this talking about it will change anybody's minds? The democrats can pull out all the history and facts that they want and the republicans will just continue their little talking points of "up and down" vote. It's all the same message from them and a big circle. If they're going to do it I wish they'd get it over with. It'd be less painful that way. It is a very dangerous time and not enough people are awake yet. [Ahhh, sweet surrender!]

JRob (212 posts)
Response to Reply #10

63. As a collective we have more "power" than these sociopaths ever imagined.

They're counting on the status quo, that (as usual) no one will opt to do anything, plug into their lives and hope for the best.

If we refuse to participate, what do they have?


NATIONAL SICK-OUT (D-DAY)- Monday June 6th

REMOVE GEORGE BUSH DAY - Wednesday June 1st

pie Response to Original message

7. That is the question of the day

Indeed, what can we do?
Many have family they could not bear to leave behind, many do not have the money even if they could leave.

Neverarepublican (100 posts)
Response to Original message

9. We will truly be a fascist nation

jobycom (1000+ posts)
Response to Original message

12. Sit back and grin

For two reasons: One, there won't be anything else we can do. Government doesn't care what the people want anymore, anyway. And two, it will be the death knell for the Republican Party. They have cart blanche to do everything they want, spend everything they can, and slaughter anyone they wish, and this is the best country they can create?

The fillibuster won't be lost. Even the Republicans in the Senate know that would be destroying their party for decades for the sake of one lame duck ******* with falling poll numbers.

But if they do, the revolution will be televised. It will begin the first Tuesday of November 2006.

pie (442 posts)
Response to Reply #12

14. If they break the fillibuster I think they will never cede power

Never. They will control the vote; they already control the militia.

longship (70 posts)
Response to Original message

13. It will not stop with this.

I fear that the repugs will not stop at the nuclear option. They will be emboldened by this and will take the same step with the legislative fillibuster. They will lie, cheat, and do everything in their now considerable power to achieve total control. Their goal? To allow CuckooBananas to rule by decree with two rubberstamp Congressional branches and a soon to be rubberstamp Judiciary.

They have less than two years to achieve it.

It's a very scary time for our republic.

xchrom (1000+ posts)
Response to Original message

16. hey the bankruptcy bill went off without a hitch

and that was something most americans should have gotten the gestault of -- and here we are.

the way the world ends is with a whimper -- then a bang -- and probably not a bang of our choosing.

now that should make you nervous.

Democrat 4 Ever (1000+ posts)
Response to Reply #16

19. Tweety, Bob Shrum and David Frum just reported on MSNBC

that their "sources" say that the Republicans have the votes to do away with the filibuster. Talking like it is a done deal and that the repugs are just doing some damage control with the voters.

Anybody else reporting this?

PBass (1 posts)
Response to Reply #19

21. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Somebody needs to remind these dopes that they may want to still have the fillibuster option in the future, say for instance if Hillary Clinton is president.

JRob (212 posts)
Response to Reply #21

61. What make you think there'll ever be another election and if there is...

what makes you think it will mean anything?

If they do this our only hope is a National uprising. A complete refusal to participate in the American economy... The only way to get the attention of these ****ers is through their pocket books...

ngGale (767 posts)
Response to Reply #61

69. You can't get to their pocket books because...

all the corporations have off shore money. They are also so diversified, what you give up they make up for in another division.

Look at the amount of the corporate profits over the last year, they are booming. My son works for a major corporation, and he's afraid of their power. They have had a boycott, it doesn't make a dent - it's terrible to be on the inside and know that me (his mom) can not hurt their pocket book. Neither can he, keeping his mouth shut to save his job - one of the few left. Since Bush came into office they have become greedy monsters, and they used to be so nice!

VoiceOfFreedom (31 posts)
Response to Original message

20. welll.. ........ .................

What'll happen is that the "undesirables" will be imprisonned/eliminated first and then the Shadow Government will follow the same pattern that Germany took while it was nazified so that Germany would finally be "pure". I don't know about you but I don't want to be around when payback comes a knockin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lindacooks (1000+ posts)

Response to Original message

24. Reid and the Dems should shut down the Senate.

I'm not sure how they can do that, but they have threatened to, and they damn well should. I'm fed up to my teeth with ****ing Repukes acting like they are dictators. They need to be stopped. NOW.

katinmn (1000+ posts)
Response to Reply #24

29. I've been wondering about that. Will the Dems walk out?

Perhaps they should, from both houses.

They should call on all (thinking) Americans to walk out. too, in protest. Walk off the job. Walk out of school.

Because if we lose the filibuster, our government is just one big rubber stamp and Chimp is King.

Auntie Bush (1000+ posts)
Response to Original Message

54. We should have a "Walk Out Day" the day after they take the filibuster

away. I'm serious!

Actually we should all walk out of every store and not buy a thing till they return the filibuster. If no one buys anything...except food...their cooperations will go bust. Don't use our credit cards, don't travel...bring this country's economy to a f****** HOLT!!!!!! It may hurt...but we could do it!

Cynot (4 posts)
Response to Original message

25. At all costs we must not give up.

But if the nuclear option works, then our last best defense will be the courts, which while dominated by Republican appointees, don't march in lockstep with Bush like the Congress does.

Of course, the courts are what this is all about. They want to stack the courts even more so that we won't even have any protection from them either.

These are indeed dark times for our country, the worst we have seen since the Great Depression and WWII.

DemBeans (421 posts)
Response to Original message

27. it's a good question

I suppose in 2006 we can defeat the GOP thugs in our states who will end up voting to destroy our democracy, but it won't be easy. And, by 2006, they can do one hell of a lot of damage with this scam - one, maybe two USSC nominations might happen by then, and we're all screwed.

If it passes, I don't advocate rioting or violence, but it might certainly be time for peaceful acts of civil disobedience. Just moving on shouldn't be an option.

Disturbed (1000+ posts)
Response to Reply #27

30. If the Rethugs do vote in this no filibuster ****....

Dems should all just go home to their states and refuse to participate in Congress. We the people should call for a new Govt. according to The Declaration of Independence.

enough already (91 posts)
Response to Original message

31. Nobody Cares

Unfortunately. If they did, Bush would pitching cow pies in Crawford right now. I fear we're going to lose this one.

C_U_L8R (66 posts)
Response to Original message

32. We Have All The Power We Need

We have our votes. We have our walllets (or pocketbooks).
And there are more of us than there are of them. (no matter how you count it).
Our representatives can only do so much.
It's up to us to do our fair share.
Divest yourself of EVERYTHING red.
Don't buy red... Don't own red.
Sell off your red stocks.
March on Washington.
March on Wall Street.

Do WHATEVER is neccesary and within our constutional right to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK !!

Don't wait for the Senate....
they've got their own battles.
This is personal.
And if we sit on our butts too much longer we will learn the hard way how personal it is.

Every personal act of defiance is a poke in the eye of the administration.
Do it !! It feels good !!!!!

wiggs (697 posts)
Response to Reply #32

34. Correct

Without the fillibuster, this cabal is invulnerable.

They already have all three branches of government PLUS the media. They control elections with impunity too. Bombshell revelations about going to war on fixed intelligence, about missing money, about torture, about fake journalism, etc mean nothing. If these didn't change anything, nothing will. We have had whistleblowers, but they get gagged, smeared, or made less important than other news.

Not only are minority parties powerless in this congress, I'm not sure how many of them would go to the mat for the people anyway.

Economic clout is the ONLY power of the masses left. It is going to take some serious organization, but it could work. I offer a quote from a book I just finished:

"It would be great if we could just blame it all on a conspiracy, but we cannot. The empire depends on efficacy of big banks, corporations, and governments -- the corporatocracy -- but it is not a conspiracy. The corporatocracy is ourselves -- we make it happen -- which, of course, is why most of us find it difficult to stand up and oppose it. We would rather glimpse conspirators lurking in the shadows, because most of us work for one of those banks, corporations, or governments, or in some way are dependent on them for the goods and services they produce and market.


How do you rise up against a system that appears to provide you with your home and car, food and clothes, electricity and health care -- even when you know that the system also creates a world where 24,000 people starve to death each day and millions more hate you, or at least hate the policies made by representatives you elected? How do you muster the courage to step out of line and challenge concepts you and your neighbors have always accepted as gospel, even when you suspect that the system is ready to self-destruct?"

John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

WI_DEM (1000+ posts)
Response to Original message

33. Get our revenge.

This GOP presidency isn't going to last forever. The Democrats will be able to do what Bush will do when they have the power again and it will be payback, and then the poor repukes will be crying for a return of the filibuster.

TayTay (1000+ posts)
Response to Original message

38. We will do what Americans do and have always done

We will get to a point where we are good and fed up with the bullsh*t being fed us and rise up and say NO! That is what Americans do. That is how we got women the right to vote, how we finally began to implement racial equality and civil rights for all minorities and implemented the idea that workers have rights, and so much more. The REthugs think they are establishing a permanent structure that will endure for decades. They misunderstand America and Americans.

"These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman." Thomas Paine

RUMPLEMINTZ (74 posts)
Response to Original message

40. Oh yeah

walking out and looking like whining crying little four year old girls is really gonna work! Gee, we can't win so we're gonna take our football and go home. Come on people we got to stay and fight! Fight with everything we've got. If we lose this filibuster just fight harder! Everytime a Rethug opens his mouth slap it! Everytime they initiate some kind of legislation smear it! Denigrate it! If we go home like a bunch of little babies we'll never see a Democratic majority!

Clarkie1 (1000+ posts)
Response to Original message

42. Don't be scared and don't panic.

The evil empire will fall. They always do.

May the force be with you.

Hippo_Tron (1000+ posts)
Response to Original message

45. We will win this one, there is NO "moral majority"

Those who are willing to throw 200 years of checks and balances out the window in the name of putting a few fascists on the courts, are are a small minority. This is another move that the GOP is making to continue the culture war that keeps them in power. But eventually the other 90% of the country will start to care and they will have a serious problem.

struggle4progress (1000+ posts)
Response to Original message

47. We'll be mad as hell and completely unwilling to take it any more

jayctravis (638 posts)
Response to Original message

48. Grind Senate business to a halt.

Like in Schindler's List where Schindler talks about how there will be consequences if one bullet from their factory fires in normal operation.

Read. Everything. On. The. Floor.

"Oh, so you want this document taken up to the...what...she's over there? Oh...this whole document? Isn't she gone today? No...she's right over there? Okay, so you want this entire document taken up...where? Let me count the pages so we know it's all here...oookay. One. Tuh-hoo! Three...and who am I supposed to take this to? She's over there? Oh shoot, I lost count. Okay. One...two...oh these are stapled, let me start over..."

Rex_Goodheart (230 posts)
Response to Reply #48

53. Huh?

The Republicans are breaking Senate rules to break the filibuster rule...

What makes anybody think they can't break their rules again to break any sort of Democrat delaying tactic on any other procedural matter?

They'll simply tell the Parliamentarian again to ignore the rules... and proceed with business while some Dem is reading some bill to nobody in particular.

demwing (1000+ posts)
Response to Reply #53

56. Thats not true

They are not breaking the rules. They are changing the rules.

They are breaking tradtition and good sense, but not the rules.

ticapnews (279 posts)
Response to Reply #48

70. Great idea!

And what is step #2 when you get fired and replaced by another cog in the machine? [Shhhhh! You'll wake the others]

deadcenter (44 posts)
Response to Original message

51. Laugh

all the way to the ballot box as republicans lose elections and relections at a rate not seen since Nixon resigned.


saracat (1000+ posts)
Response to Reply #51

64. I don't know. People would have to care first and then we would have to

count the votes! What are the odds of both those events occurring? Not very good IMHO.

Vadem (1000+ posts)
Response to Original message

52. We have to get our asses out on the streets! It looks like Tues.

next week is the day! I'm in Alexandria, VA, 5 miles from DC! Who will be joining me with their signs stating "I am mad as hell and I won't take it any more!?

chaska (1000+ posts)
Response to Original message

55. Am I the only one that foresees riots at Frist campaign appearances?

sloppyliberal (1000+ posts)
Response to Original message

65. 1st rule of history: nothing lasts forever....

the repugs, seem to have forgotten this small fact. With every step they take towards what they deem as absolute power, they actually move further and further from it.

They can't control the media, not entirely. We have advantages that no other society has had before, we have alternative, fast and widespread access, via the internet to alternate sources of information. We are in control of the new media. Just like the GOP spent years building up control of the 'old' media, we've already entrenched ourselves, in what is already becoming the new source of all information. Many, many people are already aware of what is happening. This country has a fine, fine tradition of overturning corrupt and power hungry leaders, in fact, world history shows that ultimately, that is what will happen, again and again, and again. The GOP are fools.

In the short term, things will probably suck for a while, but long term, it'll probably fair near destroy the GOP, while they tear themselves apart in a power struggle between the neocons and the true conservatives. It'll take them a fair amount of time to rebuild a cohesive party able to govern, and in that time, the liberals, will undo most if not all of their damage.

Piperay (1000+ posts)
Response to Original message

68. We wait till

'the worm has turned'(and one day it will) and then when we have some control again we use it on them. They will be very very sorry they did away with the filibuster as we shove our agenda up their *****.

brainshrub (1000+ posts)
Response to Original message

71. Don't worry about it.

In most civilized countries, conservatives are the fringe-wacko party. The difference is that here in the USA we've always been wealthy enough to afford their mistakes.

That's no longer true.

I suspect that 2006-8 is going to be very rough for everyone. With the BBV machines in place, the cons will have no problem getting 60 seats in the Senate.

With 60 seats, they'll be able to pass a flag-burning ammendment and possibly get Roe v Wade overturned.

Between Peak Oil, water shortages, currency devaluation, an unpopular war and a gutted industrial base: Americans will have to wake up.

Vinca (763 posts)
Response to Original message

73. I think there will be a huge backlash against the Republicans in the next

couple of elections. Even the sane segment of their party knows killing the filibuster is the wrong thing to do. When Democrats retake power there will be hell to pay. If the cat killer and his cronies weren't so power hungry they'd realize that and wouldn't even consider lopping themselves off at the knees in the future.

Enraged_Ape (1000+ posts)
Response to Original message

75. The same thing we always do, Pinky

Try to take over the world.

...Or at least take back the Senate and House.

KEYWORDS: fearfuldems; filibuster
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To: Michael.SF.
If they don't go to work, or use their cars, or fly, then , the price a fuel and gas will go down for us.
41 posted on 05/21/2005 4:46:16 AM PDT by Prophet in the wilderness (PSALM 53 : 1 The ( FOOL ) hath said in his heart , There is no GOD .)
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To: katana
Looks like someone needs to be paid a visit by Homeland Security and the F.B.I.
42 posted on 05/21/2005 4:48:16 AM PDT by Prophet in the wilderness (PSALM 53 : 1 The ( FOOL ) hath said in his heart , There is no GOD .)
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To: CharlieOK1
Yes...... your right, and I hope Homeland Security and the F.B.I. are keeping a close watch on these wakcos.
43 posted on 05/21/2005 4:49:54 AM PDT by Prophet in the wilderness (PSALM 53 : 1 The ( FOOL ) hath said in his heart , There is no GOD .)
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To: dukeman
My first shock from lurking on DU is that they fervently believe that the mainstream media is totally in the tank for George W and conservative causes in general. I think it's because they regard all corporations as inherently evil. Also, if you don't "see" things the way they do, you must be evil (or very stupid, if they're feeling charitable).

I also occasionally lurk at DU and I agree with you - the majority of them believe that the MSM is a tool of the Right. Since this represents naivety in it's highest form, one must seriously consider the possibility that the average DUer is either mentally disadvantaged (to be kind) or ... well, I just can't think of any other reason.

44 posted on 05/21/2005 4:57:30 AM PDT by InterceptPoint
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To: Prophet in the wilderness
DU is a great place to examine the inside of a lefties brain, which isn't to be confused with reality.

I just want to know what's next for us if we lose? I don't trust the Rhinos. Its not only the usual suspects like McCain, Chafee, Snowe I am referring to. I keep hearing rumblings from Hagel, Collins, Warner and now Graham. On other posts I have asked the same question and the response tends to be that Frist wouldn't have moved forward without the votes. But then again who saw Voinovich coming at the Bolten hearing a few weeks ago?

I hope Frist really does have the votes. I guess I am so used to losing when Rhinos are involved.
45 posted on 05/21/2005 4:59:34 AM PDT by saneright
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To: righttackle44

I don't understand what Schadenfreude means

I'm in the same boat as you on that one.

46 posted on 05/21/2005 8:49:07 AM PDT by Michael.SF. (If you think teachers are tough, wait till you get a boss.)
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To: InterceptPoint; dukeman
... well, I just can't think of any other reason.

I can suggest one possibility: View the political spectrum as running from 1 to 10 (left to right). We here at FR range from maybe 6-8. The MSM ranges from 3-4.

DU ranges from 1-2. Thus from their POV the MSM is to their right.

47 posted on 05/21/2005 8:54:34 AM PDT by Michael.SF. (If you think teachers are tough, wait till you get a boss.)
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To: Deo et Patria
Check out my contribution to their little party. Post #12 on this page.

Unfortunately, the Ministry of Thought over on DU sanitized the trhead by removing your comment. Say, while we're on post numbers-- can you explain for me why the post numbers there jump around so radically and don't even appear to be in numerical order? The reason is probably right under my nose, but I don't see it.

48 posted on 05/21/2005 12:42:07 PM PDT by dukeman
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To: saneright
I just hope the Senate Republicans can beg, borrow, or steal a set of gonads so that they will actually vote to turn back the Left's judicial filibuster. The notion that the Senate will implode, blah, blah, blah...... is just smokescreen garbage. Believe it or not, the whole judicial filibuster issue is not even on the radar screens of many, many people. Folks here and on DU focus on it because it's just in our genes to tune into politics. The sky will not fall if the Senate leadership gets rid of the judicial filibuster-- but will they?
49 posted on 05/21/2005 12:50:19 PM PDT by dukeman
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