Don't count Cox out of this. I think he has an outside chance.
Don't know too much about him so I can't say. Anyone who runs against Hillary is going to have a tough race ahead! I hope he is up for it.
It would be a day of national celebration if Cox ever defeated Hildebeast. However, there is about zero chance of that happening as things stand now. Hitlery's negatives are extremely low in New York -- about 28 percent, with about 67 percent positives. And the people who support her adore her and would walk across hot coals to vote for her. And sorry, it isn't just New York City, although that is the hotbed of Hitlery Worship. Her ratings are through the roof in all the major population centers. The good people who hate her live on the dairy farms or in small mountain villages. I've lived in both NYC and Central New York -- from what I can see, most people are proud to have a national figure as their Senator. It makes me ill, but I'm just trying to be realistic. There are probably about 35 Rat Senators we have a better chance of knocking off than Hitlery. Sure, we have to put somebody up against her, but it's a real long shot.