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To: Valin
those that come over the borders (for a job) are just the people Mexico should be doing whatever they can to keep at home.

Oh, no, most of the people that are coming over from Mexico are exactly the ones that Mexico doesn't want. It's not the Mexican doctors and engineers and educated people who are risking death in the desert and climbing over fences and dodging the border patrol to get here; it's people who have no other choice. Those people who have no other choice are exactly the ones who the Mexican government doesn't need. I work with Mexican illegals every day, and believe it's significant that at least half of the illegals I see are illiterate to the point of not being able to write a complete sentence in Spanish, or any other language. Perhaps 10% are so illiterate that they can't recognize a single letter. That's some serious illiteracy. Add in the higher crime rates among the illegal Mexicans in the US than among other ethnic groups, and you can see that these are people that Mexico is better off without.

16 posted on 05/16/2005 8:19:15 AM PDT by Jubal Harshaw
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To: Jubal Harshaw
Thanks for the info. I used to work at a placed that had a number of immigrants. Some were good workers some as useful as tits on a boar.
20 posted on 05/16/2005 8:35:16 AM PDT by Valin (The glass is 1/32 full! - The incredible optimist)
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To: Jubal Harshaw
Add in the higher crime rates among the illegal Mexicans in the US than among other ethnic groups, and you can see that these are people that Mexico is better off without.

If it comes to some kind of amnesty, I would hope we could do something with the 'raw material' that Mexico can't seem to do.

44 posted on 05/16/2005 10:09:24 AM PDT by nosofar
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To: Jubal Harshaw
I work with Mexican illegals every day, and believe it's significant that at least half of the illegals I see are illiterate to the point of not being able to write a complete sentence in Spanish, or any other language.

Now that is scary. Since they are not literate in their own language, they won't be able to learn to read or write English as well. That's the same problem with the children of illegals in our public schools. Children from other countries that know their own language well can be taught English - and the other subjects - and be proficient.
46 posted on 05/16/2005 10:15:04 AM PDT by Serenissima Venezia (Hoping to be a California Vigil Antie for the Minuteman Project)
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