Posted on 05/14/2005 4:16:25 PM PDT by jmc1969
IRAQS most wanted terrorist, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, has been seriously wounded, according to a doctor who claims to have treated him last week.
The doctor told an Iraqi reporter in the western city of Ramadi that Zarqawi was bleeding heavily when he was brought into hospital on Wednesday. After treating his wounds the doctor tried to persuade him to remain, but the Jordanian-born terrorists minders drove him away.
The claim was supported yesterday by a senior commander in the Iraqi resistance who had been to Ramadi to investigate the report.
According to the doctor, Zarqawi was escorted into Ramadi general hospital by smartly dressed men. He was bleeding heavily and his escorts were well dressed with a look about them that was different from the casualties and family members we had been receiving from the al-Qaim offensive, he was quoted as saying.
I treated his injury and asked that he remain in hospital for further observations and told him that we would have to register him and take down his name and details. But he became very nervous and agitated. He refused and told me he would not be staying.
The three men with him asked me politely that he be allowed to leave hospital immediately and that I supply them with a prescription and a list of medication that he may need.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Cooberates this story:
LOL :)
a delay from cyberGod.....
Won't believe it until I see a body
Dunno. He could still die a slow lingering painful death.
"Won't believe it until I see a body"
What isn't to believe? It is not like it says he is going to die, it just said he went to the hospital and got treatment.
I can't belive you people believe these rubbish stories. How would the doctor have know he was treating this particular abu? Do you think the terrorist mastermind had to show his social security card to get treatment?
You people must have been reading too much debka.
Note: Pakistan denies that any US forces are operating inside of their country. Nonsense. Our guys have to be operating all over the area, in deep disguise. Eventually, we'll hear "the rest of the story."
One question has bugged me for as long as we've been hunting for Al-Zarkawi in Iraq. One of his legs was amputated by Saddam's doctors when he first arrived in Iraq from Jordan. How has a man with an artificial leg been able to "skip out" on our special ops forces, for so long?
"Can't run and can't hide" would seem to describe this guy perfectly. So, how has he escaped so successfully?
The one leg thing was never confirmed, personally I doubt it was true.
It is the same trip to the hospital they are talking about, this is the same story as we heard a couple weeks ago but a far more detailed version of what happened.
In that case, Goodie!
He's probably already in Detroit, under our witness protection program.
Char :)
Ping-edy Ping!
Where was he bleeding?
Good point.
You people must have been reading too much debka.
I guess you missed this
The doctor, who recognised Zarqawi from his photograph on television
Didn't Commander In Chief Bush say something about smoking them out, getting them on the run?
That isn't near Ramadi, though. I suppose that it's possible that Ramadi was the closest doctor, but if he was injured fighting US troops in the West, you wonder how he made it to Ramadi.
henchman? i thot he was an insurgent .... what's going on here?
This part sound suspicious to me. Why's he talking if he's gonna be killed? It's not like they don't know where he works.
And a doctor refusing cash after surgery....c'mon now!! :>)
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