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To: NewRomeTacitus

Thanks for the comments.

You know, I've been concerned about this issue since about 1985. I could see where we were headed. Twenty years and perhaps 30 million Mexican nationals later, I'm just tired of watching a situation that grows worse by the day.

I'm also tired of of leaders who are neutering the voters in this nation, while they carry out plans to hobble them completely by setting up multi-national boards to rule them. These boards will not be made up of people we vote for. They won't even be made up by people who give a damn about the U.S. at all. In truth, they will be made up by the worst the U.S., Mexico and Canada have to offer. All too soon, even they will look moderate when the representatives of all the rest of the American states join in.

I came to this forum when I considered it to be conservative. I came to it when I watched it hold the line against the likes of Bill Clinton and his co-conspirators. I watched as guests lauded Reagan and our forefathers. I watched as they championed the U.S. Constitution and our sovereignty. I was nourished by the support of law and order.

When people I had protested with began to abandon these things, I stood up against it. For a long time I did my best to ignore them thinking they would come to understand a betrayal of the U.S. Constitution and the very sovereignty that assured us of self-determination, were terrible things to parcel off.

And then the Minuteman Project brought things to a head.

I'm not that old, but perhaps I am too old for some things. I don't have energy to travel to Washington, D.C. to run my mouth against the Supreme Court Justices, only to come back to California and say that illegal immigration doesn't bother me. I just can't slam the feds for one grose violation, then sign on to turning the U.S. into a satelite state of Mexico.

I don't have the energy to argue with people who trash projects that we not only should have joined, but if we didn't have our heads firmly implanted, we would have started ourselves five or more years ago.

Perhaps I'm wrong on this issue. If so, I don't belong where true conservatives thrive. If I am right, I don't belong where true conservatives are reported to thrive, but couldn't hit the broadside of bedrock issues with a two by four.

The abandonment of the illegal immigration issue by people I respect has been a very bitter pill to swallow. I do not believe that globalism and erased borders is what our Founding Fathers had in mind. I do not believe that Presidents who side with foreign governments against this nation's sovereignty are worthy of my support and I'm tired of watching folks who idolize one that does.

It's fairly obvious my views haven't moved much real-estate when it comes to this issue. Even the Minuteman Project wich proved it's point beyond a shadow of a doubt, has been marginalized by most who should have been thanking them profusely.

Yes, there are a few like you who get it. I'm just not convinced there's a damned thing we can do any longer. Some watered down bills will be passed that will facilitate citizenship for illegal aliens already here, and the borders will remain wide open.

The border patrol in Arizona has been ordered to stand down so the Minuteman Project's true success will be invisible to most Americans.

The sad thing is, you could hear crickets chirping at 1000 paces, when all but a few here ignore the dismemberment of this world's last hope.

As you can tell, I am in desparate need of a time out. It is self imposed. I do not know how long it will last.

All the best to you and a number of others I support here. There were days when coming on this forum began to feel more like punching myself in the face, than discussing issues with other conservatives.

125 posted on 05/14/2005 2:39:17 AM PDT by DoughtyOne (US socialist liberalism would be dead without the help of politicians who claim to be conservative.)
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To: DoughtyOne

Plant your garden and tend your tomatoes and roses. Breathe deeply, take long walks, and enjoy every minute of every day. Keep well, friend.

133 posted on 05/14/2005 5:31:29 AM PDT by hershey
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To: DoughtyOne


140 posted on 05/14/2005 7:24:35 AM PDT by Travis McGee (----- -----)
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To: DoughtyOne

EXCELLENT post, D1 (and 100% true). Anyone who can't see what is happening to our country is blind, deaf and dumb.

143 posted on 05/14/2005 11:09:35 AM PDT by janetgreen (Minuteman Project = American Patriotism)
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To: DoughtyOne

Hang in there. Don't stop just as we are turning the corner. We can win this one yet. It will take much more hard work, but we can win it.

159 posted on 05/14/2005 8:16:02 PM PDT by HighFlier
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