Never misunderestimate the power of weakness to reward the enemy with victory.
To ask for a majority of Senators to embark upon something that they perceive as being "dangerous" politically generally gets the same results as asking a class of thrid graders to probe a field of landmines. It just doesn't get done. Now, if the Repulican Senate were composed of "normal people" who have faced adversity and/or real danger in their lives beyond the near paralyzing fear of being called a name by someone in the opposition, this wouldn't even be an issue.
Out here in the real world, when someone's inaction can cause you to lose money that you actually NEED to live on, or cause you to lose your job and all that goes with it, it becomes a simple matter to actually threaten their safe little world. Actions have consequences for the little guy. It's time for our Senators to understand that they aren't merely living in some syndicated soap opera. It's time for them to face consequences for malfeasance of office, for violating their oath of office, and for violating the laws they write.
They aren't our LORDS. The last set of those we had 225+ years ago, we ran out on a rail. We can do the same with this set as well.