And an unintended consquence of the near take-over of FR by the extremist right is that I, a former so far to the right I was called Atilla the Hun, have moved to the center and a MUCH more moderate position. There is NO way I want to be associated with the extremists on the right. They are an embarrassment. And the left, well, they are dangerous. So what's left? The middle. An unintended consequence that the Holier than Thou brigade has caused.
Nahhh phooeeyy. I just ignore the weirdos and stay the way I always have. Nothing changing here.
Oh boo hoo. "Mommy those right wing extremists made me into a moderate!" No major loss judging from your posts.
You are confused. You should be moving more toward the right or the left, because it's the moderate, country club Republicans who have always been concerned about class and propriety. Not the so-called "Taliban" Republicans.
I join you solidly in the middle. I, too, get a bit annoyed with so many on the extreme right as well as the extreme left trying to hijack the political system. When the First Lady can't make jokes at a dinner where that is the primary purpose without being attacked, enough is enough! With all the sensitivity claimed by so many (either real or feigned) should we just give up on humor completely?!?! Humor is one of the few ways to defuse uncomfortable situations....I don't know how people can get through life without a sense of humor! To those who can't put things like this in perspective, get over yourselves!!
Your post reminded me that my dear hubby always used to say that I was "slightly to the right of Attila the Hun". LOL! Lately on FR, I seem to also fall into the great, unwashed "moderate" area of the conservative branch. Go figure.
If you're a moderate, count me there. Personally, I don't think the hyper-authoritarian folks you referred to are really far-right or even truly conservative. Real conservatives aren't busybodies obsessed with wielding government authority.
Same here. Highly ironic.
Peach hon.
I'm not flaming you but you and a slew of other FReeperettes have always been moderate compared to guys like me.
And relax.
Ya'll are the major force on this forum...still.
Btw....I agree with you on this Lauragate thing. Much ado about nothing.
This is the issue I have with it. If I heard those jokes on South Park, which I watch regularly, I would probably would have laughed. Hearing the jokes Malkin pointed out from the First Lady however, no matter what party, is just not something I expect from someone who is in such an esteemed position.
"And an unintended consquence of the near take-over of FR by the extremist right is that I, a former so far to the right I was called Atilla the Hun, have moved to the center and a MUCH more moderate position. There is NO way I want to be associated with the extremists on the right. They are an embarrassment. And the left, well, they are dangerous. So what's left? The middle. An unintended consequence that the Holier than Thou brigade has caused".
I couldn't agree more. These overzealous cultural conservatives are an embarrasment.