Have the lunatics taken over the asylum? You have sexual predators running rampant, judges thumbing their noses at the US Congress and starving a woman to death, and now 13 year old girls having abortions. What the hell is going on down there in Florida?
And yet, privacy or not, parents continue to be held legally responsible for just about everything else their kids do.
Goverment is now Your Mom and Dad
Who is paying for this abortion? the tax payers?
There is no right answer to this. Either the child has the abortion, or she gives birth to the kid and it basically becomes an instant financial burden to the state, for many years.
The Federal Government funds Planned Parenthood.
If nothing else, during the filibuster, this is an issue that can be raised for a place to cut funding in the Federal Budget -- Planned Parenthood and the abuse of little girls by Planned Parenthood.
This is Gloria Feldt (spelling I am not sure of).
The web page:
Caught on Tape -- Planned Parenthood and NAF (National Abortion Federation) Conceal Child Abuse
The article on Child Abuse is half way down the web page. It talks about how an Planned Parenthood and NAF helped a 13 year old conceal a statutory rape by a 22 year old man. LDI had a young woman with a very young voice call and pose as a 13 year old. Over 800 tape recordings were made. Yet there has been no criminal indictments of either Planned Parenthood or NAF over this.
2) What capital crime has the baby committed that he must be executed.
3) Is Michael Schiavo still a free man?
There is also the chance that she would be a great mother. A lot of children in wealthy two parent homes, end up in perma daycare. I think the kids would rather spend time with the mother then having lots of material possessions.
How could the judge or any psychologist possibly know that?
Unless this girl buries any semblence of conscience, she'll be having nightmares over this down the road.
Quite frankly, many of the folks on this thread who are supportive of the girl's "decision" sound very much like the slavery-apologists in the mid-nineteenth century. Of course, they were "against" slavery, but you couldn't just set free people who had been dependent all of their lives! They wouldn't know how to survive on their own, so it would be too cruel to just free the slaves. Maybe if we worked into it slowly...
Either abortion is right or wrong. Period. Either an innocent child is being killed, or it isn't. Period. The argument that we should be committing immoral acts to avoid temporary hardships or unpleasantness is to be ignorant of the fact that almost all long-term benefits require short-term pain. If doing the right thing was always easy or painless, then no one would ever do wrong. But it isn't, which is why you are judged by doing the right thing even when it is difficult.
In your quest to be "sensitive" to the issues, some of you are just being apologists for evil...
I just saw a quote from this judge on Fox. He spoke about "...the risk of life...er...death...."
Dr. Freud, pick up the white courtesy phone. Dr. Freud....
She became pregnant in state custody. Isn't this an issue for any of these folks?
Anyone watch "House" on Fox network Tuesday night? Had a 12 or 13 yr old girl getting an abortion. As House told her when she made it clear she didn't want her parents knowing she was pregnent, "According to New Jersey law, you're the boss."
This is incedible with Florida. Almost everyweek another horror story.
"Judge OK's fetal infanticide for 13 y/o"
That's how it should read. It's people like this "judge" that are going to take a normally level-headed law abiding person and turn him or her into te next Eric Rudolph.
This is the ultimate case of politicians passing on the buck. I bet every politician who passed this kind of notification law was showing off their pro-life credentials, but queitly they simply passed it on to the judiciary. The fault is of the politicians who support such law so that they can diffuse their garden variety pro-life advocates without actually doing anything to end abortion. The right can be stupid too.
He's right about that. It's too bad that the Supreme Court didn't understand and respect that when they decided Roe v. Wade.
IF she's be physically and emotionally spent by having the child, then I can't see how having an abortion any less so.
Where's that outrage that was expressed when Terri Schiavo's life was surrendered?
Here we have an "innocent" baby being sucked into a sink through NO FAULT of his/her own and (relatively speaking) nothing. But let one woman, due in large part to HER OWN actions and decisions years ago, die because she can't feed herself and the country becomes infuriated.
The Terri Schiavo case is tragic and I'm not making light of it but... talk about sick.
What has become of what's right?
Deliver us now Lord!